PCI Capability in Idaho

Chronic Disease Map Gallery

Key points

This map depicts the availability of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) capability at Idaho hospitals (as of September 2010). The map also depicts transportation elements such as highways and hospitals with helicopter bases.


Map of PCI Capability in Idaho, 2010
PCI capacity in Idaho

Data sources

This map has been used by EMS providers to know the end goal for transportation of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients. Also, EMS directors will use the map in the development of their local STEMI plans.

Arc GIS 9.3

Data on cities with hospitals was gathered from Idaho Hospital Association, data on availability of PCI services and helicopter facilities was collected by HDSP and the Cardiac EMS subcommittee.

This is the 5th iteration of this map. Changes have been made due to new information on PCI capability as well as input from the Cardiac EMS subcommittee. Based on their recommendations, the map has evolved into an outline of the state and counties (with no color fill) and a minimal legend.

Robert Graff, chronic disease epidemiologist, Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare
(208) 334-6521

Map of PCI Capability in Idaho, 2010 Robert Graff, Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.