Key points

Data sources
This map highlights discrepancies between the locations of cardiac rehabilitation centers and cardiac intensive care units versus the magnitude of heart disease death rates in Florida for the period 2014-2016. Counties in the top quintile of heart disease death rates are located primarily in the northern regions of Florida. However, among the northern counties in the top quintile, only Jackson and Marion Counties have facilities with cardiac rehabilitation or cardiac intensive care. The lowest rates of heart disease death were seen in counties located mostly in the southern regions of the state. These southern counties have the highest numbers of hospitals with cardiac rehabilitation or cardiac intensive care.
Hospitals with Cardiac Rehabilitation: The American Hospital Association Survey of Hospitals. Accessed June 10, 2019. Available via CDC Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke at:
A monochromatic graduated color scheme was used to display the number of hospitals with cardiac rehabilitation centers, intensive care units per county by tertile, and heart disease death rates by quintile. A darker shade indicates a higher data value.
Rashida Marshall, Florida Department of Health
Rashida Marshall, Florida Department of Health. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.