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Youth 9/11 Health Effects Library

The data captured in this library is based on the 9/11 Health Effects Youth Scoping Review. The Scoping Review (link coming soon) identifies 195 peer-reviewed publications reporting health effects of individuals exposed to 9/11 at 18 years or younger.

What is a scoping review?
A scoping review is a map of published evidence on a broad topic. Use the tool below to create a list of references on select topics.

Disclaimer: The following publication list serves as a bibliography of 9/11 health research and is updated regularly. The list contains publications related to 9/11 but may or may not have been funded under the WTC Health Program. Study findings are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mention of any company or product does not constitute endorsement by NIOSH/CDC.

How To Use This Dashboard:

  • Select “clear all filters” to reset queries. All tabs are affected by your selections.
  • Use the tabs to filter publications by condition, study group, group features, exposure, and study design.
  • If a funnel chart bar does not appear, there are no results for that category.
  • Use date sliders located on date graphs to filter results by year or date range.
  • Select the Publications tab to view publications that match your query results. To export citations:
    1. Select multiple results using Ctrl + click,
    2. right click your selection
    3. choose Copy >> Copy Selection
    4. paste to a text file