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Research to Care Community Engagement Event on 9/11 Health—WD2991

John Howard, MD, JD; Joan Reibman, MD, PhD; Laura Crowley, MD; Mayris Webber, DrPH; Robert Lucchini, MD; Mark Farfel, ScD; Leonardo Trasande, MD; Benjamin Luft, MD; Adriana Feder, MD; Luci Ferri, PhD; David Prezant, MD
CE Expiration Date: January 9, 2022

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Program Description

The goal of this educational activity is to explain the environmental hazards associated with the 9/11 attacks and provide information about the World Trade Center Health Program.


Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify immediate, short- and long-term health risks posed by exposure to disaster and/or terrorist attacks to responders and survivors
  2. Identify comorbidities most common in survivors and responders to the 9/11 World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania sites

Pharmacy Objective:

  1. Assess the healthcare status and needs of the survivors and responders from the 9/11 attacks


  • John Howard, MD, JD, Administrator, World Trade Center Health Program
  • Joan Reibman, MD, PhD, Director, Health and Hospitals Corporation, WTC Environmental Health Center
  • Laura Crowley, MD, Deputy Medical Director, Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health, Mt. Sinai Hospital
  • Mayris Webber, DrPH, Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Robert Lucchini, MD, Professor, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • Mark Farfel, ScD, Director, World Trade Center Health Registry
  • Leonardo Trasande, MD, Professor, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • Benjamin Luft, MD, Director, Stony Brook WTC Wellness Program
  • Adriana Feder, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • Luci Ferri, PhD, Psychologist, World Trade Center Environmental Health Center, Bellevue Hospital
  • David Prezant, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Fire Department of the City of New York

Origination Date

January 9, 2018

Expiration Date

January 9, 2022

Target Audience

Administrators, Nurse practitioners, CHES certified health educator, Nurse technicians, other health educators, Physicians, Pharmacists, Physician assistants, Licensed practical/vocational nurses, Registered nurses, Medical assistants, Medical students, other applicable public health professionals

Contact Information

World Trade Center Health Program

Hardware/Software Requirements

To access activities, users will need:

  • A computer with an Internet connection.
  • Internet Explorer 8.x or higher, the latest versions of Firefox or Safari, or any other W3C standards compliant browser.
  • Adobe Flash Player and/or an HTML5 capable browser may be required for video or audio playback.
  • Occasionally other additional software may be required such as PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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