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WTC Health Program Research Meeting June 12, 2024

Speaker-recommended reading

For this meeting we asked presenters to recommend articles that help attendees gain further insight or context to their presentations. For convenience we have included the links to those articles below. Please note that this web page contains links to papers on the publishers’ pages. The abstracts will be available, however, it is important to be aware that certain full text articles may be inaccessible due to a paywall.

Sean Clouston, PhD

Presentation: Amyloidogenesis and neurodegeneration in WTC exposure-related cognitive dysfunction: A study of WTC responders
Recommended Reading:

  1. Kritikos et al (2023)
  2. Natale et al (2023)

Frank D. Mann, PhD

Presentation: : Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in World Trade Center Exposed Fire Department of the City of New York and General Emergency Responders
Recommended Reading:

  1. Clouston et al (2022)
  2. Singh et al (2020)
  3. Singh et al (2020)

Minos Kritikos, PhD

Presentation: Neuroimaging of inflammation in WTC-exposed responders
Recommended Reading:

  1. Huang et al (2023)

Paul Vaska, PhD

Presentation: Direct assessment of brain beta-amyloid plaques in WTC first responders
Recommended Reading:

  1. Kritikos, et al (2022)
  2. Clouston et al (2022)

Laura Sampson, PhD

Presentation: Direct assessment of brain protein aggregates in WTC first responders
Recommended Reading:

  1. Pellecchia et al (2022)
  2. Mukherjee (2019)

Monika Waszczuk, PhD

Presentation: Polygenic prediction in 9/11 responders: What have we learned and where are we going?
Recommended Reading:

  1. Waszczuk et al (2023)
  2. Waszczuk et al (2020)
  3. Waszczuk et al (2023)

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