Fast Facts on Global Immunization

Updated April 20, 2023

Disease-Specific Fast Facts

Immunization Prevents Death Worldwide

1 in 5 Children Globally Do Not Have Access to Essential Immunizations

Lack of access to vaccines leaves children at risk of death, disability, and illness from preventable diseases.

  • In 2021, global immunization coverage for infants dropped to 81%, the lowest rate in over a decade.
    • 25 million children under the age of 1 year did not receive basic vaccines through routine immunization.
      • This is 6 million more than before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019.
    • 18 million “zero-dose” children did not receive any vaccines, the highest reported number since 2005.
    • Almost all zero-dose children live in low- and middle-income countries, primarily in Africa and South-East Asia.
      • 11 million, or 62%, live in just 10 countries.
    • Approximately 11 million under and unvaccinated infants live in fragile or conflict-affected countries.

Immunization Protects Health, Communities, and Economies From Vaccine-Preventable Disease Threats

Learn about what CDC is doing to improve health equity by prioritizing access and delivery of lifesaving vaccines.