NIOSH Conformity Assessment Meeting

NIOSH Conformity Assessment Meeting
Subject: Meeting with Respirator Manufacturers, August 7, 2018, 9AM – 2PM EST, NIOSH Pittsburgh Facility, Building 140 Multipurpose Room

NIOSH CA 2018-1004
July 2018

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory is holding a meeting and tabletop exercise for respirator manufacturers on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at the NIOSH Pittsburgh Facility. The meeting and exercise is scheduled from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM EST and in-person attendance is required to participate.

The NIOSH Respirator Approval Program identified an objective to align the rigor of its review process for document-only changes with the risk that the submitted change could result in non-conformance with respirator performance requirements. Meeting attendees will be broken into workgroups and charged with identifying types of document-only changes which exist that pose minimal risk of a non-conformance with respirator performance requirements. All manufacturers or manufacturer application preparers familiar with NIOSH Respirator Approval Program processes and procedures are welcome to attend and participate.

Registration is required for participation. Because this meeting is being held at a Federal facility, pre-registration is required on or before July 31, 2018 and a government-issued photo ID will be required to obtain entrance to the facility.

Non‐U.S. citizens need to register on or before July 17, 2018 to allow sufficient time for mandatory facility security clearance procedures to be completed. Once your registration form, indicating you are not a U.S. Citizen, is received you will receive an email from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) International Visitor Requests. This email will include a link to a secure site requesting additional information. CDC approval must be established before entry to the CDC NIOSH site will be permitted. All foreign nationals must present the same documents submitted with the visitor registration form (current passport, entry visa, or permanent residency card) at the security gate on the day of your visit. If you have any questions regarding this process, please email Mike Dojcak, or by phone at 412-386-5295.

The International Safety Equipment Association is providing lunch for all NIOSH visitors registered and attending the meeting.

Supplemental Information

Hotel Accommodations: There are several hotels located in close proximity to the NIOSH facility:

Hampton Inn – 4.6 miles from NIOSH. Shuttle service does not extend to NIOSH.
1550 Lebanon Church Road, Pittsburgh PA 15236
(412) 650-1000

Spring Hill Suites – 4.4 miles from NIOSH. Shuttle service does not extend to NIOSH.
1000 Regis Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15236
(412) 653-9800

Holiday Inn Express – 5.8 miles from NIOSH. Shuttle service does not extend to NIOSH.
3122 Lebanon Church Road, West Mifflin PA 15122
(412) 469-1900

Comfort Inn – 4.4 miles from NIOSH. No local shuttle service.
1340 Lebanon Church Road, Pittsburgh PA 15236
(412) 653-6600

None of these hotels offer shuttle service to/from the airport.

If you do not want to rent a car, there are a few limo services that other visitors have used with success:

J&W – (412) 720-7721
Carey Limo – (412) 731-8671
Uber is another option.