NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers

NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers
Revised Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Test Fees, Fee Collection Process, and submission Requirements for NIOSH CBRN Respirator Approvals, effective January 1, 2020, this notice supersedes NIOSH CA 2018-1009 and the NIOSH Letter to All Manufacturers dated August 22, 2014

NIOSH CA 2019-1023
November 2019

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) employs the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (CCDC CBC) to conduct Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) portion of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) testing required for NIOSH CBRN approval. CCDC CBC recently reviewed the fees and business procedures associated with conducting CWA testing in support of NIOSH conformity assessment. As a result of the review and analysis, the CCDC CBC fees charged for conducting NIOSH CWA tests, and payment processing have been revised. The new fees and CCDC CBC business processes are effective January 1, 2020.

All NIOSH approval requests requiring CWA testing received on or after January 1, 2020 will be subject to the new fees (fee tables below) and payment process. Note especially that fees for CWA testing will need to be paid in advance of testing being conducted utilizing a Technology Support Agreement (TSA) with CCDC CBC; therefore, requests that require CWA testing, also require a TSA to be in place with CCDC CBC prior to making the submission to NIOSH. CCDC CBC staff will be reaching out to current NIOSH approval holders with CBRN approvals to insure the appropriate agreements are in place. If you have any questions concerning the fees, please call the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, Conformity Verification and Standards Development Branch at (412) 386-4000. For information on establishing or maintaining a TSA with CCDC CBC, please contact CCDC CBC at (410) 436-2772.

Air-Purifying Escape Respirator (CBRN APER)

Test Number Fee/Test
Air-Purifying Escape Respirator (CBRN APER)
0450 GB (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0451 HD (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0450 GB (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0451 HD (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
TDA Leak Test Only $1,332.99
Fees revised October 2019

Air-Purifying Respirator (CBRN APR) Gas Mask

Test Number Fee/Test
Air-Purifying Respirator (CBRN APR) Gas Mask
0350 GB (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0351 HD (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0350 GB (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0351 HD (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
TDA Leak Test Only $1,332.99
Fees Revised October 2019

Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (CBRN PAPR) Gas Mask

Test Number Fee/Test
Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (CBRN PAPR) Gas Mask
0550 GB (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0551 HD (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0550 GB (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0551 HD (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
TDA Leak Test Only $1,332.99
Fees revised October 2019

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (CBRN SCBA)

Test Number Fee/Test
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (CBRN SCBA)
0200 GB (SMARTMAN) LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0551 HD (SMARTMAN) LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
TDA Leak Test Only $1,332.99
Fees revised October 2019

Self-Contained Escape Respirator (CBRN SCER)

Test Number Fee/Test
Self-Contained Escape Respirator (CBRN SCER)
0450 GB (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0451 HD (SMARTMAN) Qualifier LAT (QLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0450 GB (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
0451 HD (SMARTMAN) Remainder LAT (RLAT) with TDA Leak Test $12,634.53
TDA Leak Test Only $1,332.99
Fees revised October 2019