NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers

NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers
Subject: Resolution to Issue Affecting Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Testing for NIOSH CBRN Respirator Approvals, supersedes NIOSH CA 2018-1001

NIOSH CA 2018-1008
October 2018

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) employs the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) to conduct Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) testing. These services support the NIOSH Respirator Approval Program by completing CWA testing for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) respiratory protection conformance.

On September 27, 2018, NIOSH visited ECBC to observe and understand resolutions implemented in response to the May 23, 2018 ECBC Simulant Agent Resistant Test Manikin (SMARTMAN) Laboratory safety stand-down due to fume hood airflow issues.

Beginning mid-October, 2018 ECBC SMARTMAN testing can resume and NIOSH has prioritized work to be completed based on the five CBRN projects currently in the ECBC test queue. NIOSH and ECBC expect this backlog of projects will be tested and completed in approximately two months. NIOSH and ECBC also expect testing needed to complete submissions to NFPA 1981:2018 can begin in mid-December, 2018.

Resolution to Issue Affecting Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Testing for NIOSH CBRN Respirator Approvals, supersedes NIOSH CA 2018-1001 [PDF – 135 KB]