NIOSH-approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

NIOSH-approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

This list is reviewed and updated weekly.

Manufacturers Listed from A to Z – K

The N95 respirator is the most common of the seven types of particulate filtering facepiece respirators. This product filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil-based particles.

This web page provides a table of NIOSH-approved N95 respirators listed by manufacturer from A-Z. You can find a specific manufacturer by clicking on the first letter of their name on the index below. Web links in the table go to the NIOSH Approval Holder’s website. See the Notes section for information about private labels.

NIOSH entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2018 with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This MOU granted NIOSH the authority to approve surgical N95 filtering facepiece respirators. Prior to this MOU, both NIOSH and FDA approved and cleared surgical N95s. The Model Number/Product Line in bold text followed by (FDA) indicates these surgical N95 respirators in the table below. NIOSH also provides a table of the surgical N95 respirators approved prior to the MOU. Surgical N95 respirators approved under the MOU do not require FDA’s 510(k) clearance. These NIOSH-approved surgical N95 respirators are only on the Certified Equipment List (CEL).

A respirator labeled as a KN95 respirator is expected to conform to China’s GB2626 standard. NIOSH does not approve KN95 products or any other respiratory protective devices certified to international standards. For more information, view Factors to Consider When Planning to Purchase Respirators from Another Country.
A respirator labeled as a KN95 respirator is expected to conform to China’s GB2626 standard

Disclaimer: The links in this section go to websites outside of CDC/NIOSH. These links do not constitute an endorsement of their content, or a statement of NIOSH policy. Nor does the inclusion of the donning procedure or user instructions included on the website and PDF versions.

Index:  3M   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z    Notes

Notice – Effective Immediately — Donning Procedures or User Instructions provided by the Approval Holder or Private Label Entity will no longer be added to this list.

For your filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) to work as effectively as possible, you must wear it correctly. This includes the process of putting it on (donning) and taking it off (doffing).

For donning instructions specific to the make and model of FFR you are using, see the donning instructions provided with, or on the packaging of, your respirator. If you do not have access to these instructions, please see the respirator approval holder (manufacturer) or private label entity website or contact the approval holder directly.  For generalized donning instructions, View How To Wear Your Filtering Facepiece Respirator.

Manufacturers Listed Alphabetically – K
Supplier/Manufacturer and Contact Information Model Number/Product Line Approval Number Valve
Manufacturer’s Donning Procedure User Instructions
KAWA-002 (FDA)
84A-3348 No All Models [PDF – 247 KB]
Kawanishi Industry Company, Ltd. [*E]
AK7065 84A-6253 No AK7065 [PDF – 168 KB]
Kawanishi Industry Company, Ltd. [*E]
AK7066 84A-6270 Yes AK7066 [PDF – 168 KB]
Keep Safe, LLC [*E]
760001665 84A-3323 No 760001665 [PDF – 1.5 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
46827 (FDA)
46867 (FDA)
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0005 No All Models [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0005 No 46828 [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
46727 (FDA)
46767 (FDA)
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0010 No All Models [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0010 No 46728 [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0011 No 62355 [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-0299 No 62126 [PDF – 1.07 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
53358 (KimTech)
54066 (KimTech)
84A-9042 No KimTech [PDF – 161 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
53722 (Kimberly Clark Professional)
Obsolete 7/2021
84A-9042 No 53722 [PDF – 7.3 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
84A-9042 No KLEENGUARD [PDF – 165 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
64230 84A-4539 No 64230 [PDF – 269 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
64240 84A-4543 Yes 64240 [PDF – 183 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
64250/Comfort Strap 84A-4637 No 64250/Comfort Strap [PDF – 93 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3415V 84A-4652 Yes RA3415V [PDF – 192 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3415 84A-4654 No RA3415 [PDF – 192 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
NPC001 84A-5289 No NPC001 [PDF – 2.2 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
NPC001V 84A-5291 Yes NPC001V [PDF – 2.2 MB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
39386 84A-6657 No 39386 [PDF – 339 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3315 84A-7867 No RA3315 [PDF – 191 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3315V 84A-7869 Yes RA3315V [PDF – 192 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3316 84A-7882 No RA3316 [PDF – 193 KB]
Kimberly-Clark Corporation [*E]
RA3316V 84A-7883 Yes RA3316V [PDF – 192 KB]
Kings Shoe Manufacturing [*E]
KM95 84A-4241 No KM95 [PDF – 243 KB]
Kings Shoe Manufacturing [*E]
KM95V 84A-4242 Yes KM95V [PDF – 243 KB]
Klein Tools, Inc. [*M]
60440 84A-7720 Yes 60440 [PDF – 303 KB]
Koken, Ltd. [*I]
KFD-200-Obsolete 7/2009
84A-3718 No KFD-100-Active [PDF – 221 KB]
Koken, Ltd. [*I]
Obsolete 7/2009
84A-3719 Yes All Models [PDF – 221 KB]
Koken, Ltd.
Hi-Luck 350 84A-4342 Yes Hi-Luck 350 [PDF – 78 KB]
Koken, Ltd.
Hi Luck 375 84A-6812 Yes Hi-Luck 375 [PDF – 142 KB]
KOS Proteccion S.A.S.
K5 (Black)
K5B (White)
84A-8455 No All Models [PDF – 129 KB]
Kosto Products, Ltd. [*E]
RMK020 84A-3323 No RMK020 [PDF – 3.5 MB]
Kowa Company, Ltd. [*D]
Kowa N95 Mask
Mask M
Mask S
84A-3348 No All Models [PDF – 61 KB]

Index:  3M   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Notes Company Phone Number
*A Private label of Louis M. Gerson Company, Inc. 800-225-8623
*AA Private label of Foss Manufacturing Company 603-929-6000
*AB Private label of Valmy SAS of France (DIV) 1-450-844-3946
*AC Private label of Jiangyin Chang-hung Industrial Manufacturing Factory LLC of China (JCH) 86-510-8691-3080
*AD Private label of Suzhou Sanical Protective Product Manufacturing Company, Ltd 86-512-66100068
*AE Private label of Suzhou Fangtian Industries Co., Ltd. +86 512 65586078 / 65586018
*AF Private label of Venus Safety & Health 91-022-2769-2646
*AG Private label of Xiantao Zhongyi Safety Protection Products +86-728-3257535/3257635
*AH Private label of Air Filtration Solutions, Ltd. 44 (0) 1772 790820 (UK)
*AI Private label of Guangzhou Harley Commodity Company, Ltd. +86-20-36928707
*AJ Private label of GVS Filter Technology UK, Ltd. 44 1524 847600 ext 262 (UK)
*AK Private label of Shining Star Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. +886-3-431-5486
*AL Private label of M/s. Magnum Health & Safety Pvt. Ltd. 00-91-8080850482
*AM Private label of Aegle PPE 1 LLC 713-364-2363
*AN Private label of Rizhao Sanqi Medical & Health Articles Co., Ltd.  986-330-3707
*AO Private label of Shenyang Baianda Safety Co., Ltd. 86-24-23412309
*AP Private label of Advanced Concept Innovations, LLC 863-688-1200
*B Private label of Aswan International Corporation 866-2-8369-2525
*C Private label of Honeywell Safety Products 800-430-5490
*D Private label of San M Package Company, Ltd. 81-547-45-4125
*E Private label of Makrite Industries, Inc. 800-379-9929
86-21-5431-3117 (China)
*F Private label of Alpha Pro-Tech 800-749-1363
*G Private label of Kimberly-Clark Corporation 800-524-3577
*H Private label of Willson ® Dalloz Safety Products 800-345-4112
*I Private label of San Huei United Company, Ltd. 886-2-2683-0356
*J Private label of Moldex-Metric, Inc. 800-421-0668
*K Private Label of Shanghai Gangkai Purifying Products Company, Ltd. 86-21-5777-5401
*L Private Label of MSA do Brasil Equipamentos e Instrumentos de Seguranca Ltd.a. 55-11-4070-5999
*M Private Label of Jinfuyu Industrial Company, Ltd. 886-2-2690-2271
*N Private Label of Fido Masks Co., Ltd. 886-37-741471
*P Private Label of Shuenn Bao Shing Corporation 886-4-875-6141
*Q Private Label of Champak Enterprise Company, Ltd. 886-3-3808818
*V Private Label of Japan Vilene Company, Ltd. 81-3-3258-3355
*Z Private Label of Prestige Ameritech 866-401-8972