Series 6. Cognition and Survey Measurement

Series 6. Cognition and Survey Measurement

Reports From the National Laboratory for Collaborative Research in Cognition and Survey Measurement using methods of cognitive science to design, evaluate, and test survey instruments.

Citation as to source is appreciated, when quotations are used in publications.

No. 8. Response Errors in Surveys of Children’s Immunizations. 56 pp. (PHS) 99-1083. [PDF – 300 KB]

No. 7. Cognitive Aspects of Reporting Cancer Prevention Examinations and Tests. 161 pp. (PHS) 94-1082. GPO stock number 017-022-01275-8. [PDF – 7 MB]

No. 6. Reporting Chronic Pain Episodes on Health Surveys. Salovey, P., Sieber, W. J., Smith, A. F., Turk, D. C., Jobe, J. B., Willis, G. B. September 1992. 71 pp. (PHS) 92-1081. PB93-118214. PC A05 MF A01. [PDF – 4.6 MB]

No. 5. Cognitive Research on Response Error in Survey Questions on Smoking. Means, B. September 1992. 97 pp. (PHS) 92-1080. PB93-118206. PC A06 MF A02. [PDF – 5.8 MB]

No. 4. Cognitive Processes in Long-Term Dietary Recall. Smith, A. F. October 1991. 34 pp. (PHS) 91-1079. PB92-128529. PC A03 MF A01. [PDF – 3.9 MB]

No. 3. Social Cognition Approach to Reporting Chronic Conditions in Health Surveys. Brewer, M.B., Dull. V.T., Jobe, J.B. October 1989. 36 pp. (PHS) 89-1078. PB91-211557. PC A03 MF A01. [PDF – 2.8 MB]

No. 2. Autobiographic Memory for Health-Related Events. Means, B., Nigam, A., Zarrow, M., Loftus, E., Donaldson, M. August 1989. 375 pp. (PHS) 89-1077. PB90-172693. PC A03 MF A01. [PDF – 4.2 MB]

No. 1. Questionnaire Design in the Cognitive Research Laboratory. Lessler, J., Tourangeau, R., Salter, W. May 1989. 55 pp. (PHS) 89-1076. PB90-119793. PC A04 MF A01. [PDF – 4.5 MB]

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