Vital Statistics of the United States, 1992 Life Tables Volume II, Section 6
The general upward trend in life expectancy continued, reaching 75.8 years in 1992. This and other data on the expectation of life at birth and at different age intervals are shown by race and gender in “Vital Statistics of the United States, 1992 Life Tables Volume II, Section 6.” This report presents measures of comparative longevity by taking a “snapshot” of the current mortality experience. Trend tables beginning with the year 1900 are also included in this report.
The life tables are official documents, utilized as legal evidence by lawyers, insurance analysts, actuaries, pension planners, demographers, and other researchers.
This report can be viewed, downloaded, and printed from this home page. Additionally, the booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office at a cost of $2.25 per copy.