2023 Schedule of NCHS Statistical Products and Reports
Updated January 2, 2024
On March 7, 2008, the Office of Management and Budget published Statistical Policy Directive 4, “Release and Dissemination of Statistical Products Produced by Federal Statistical Agencies,” in the Federal Register of the United States. Following the guidance outlined in Directive 4, the National Center for Health Statistics has published its 2023 schedule of Statistical Products and Reports. Please note that many release dates on the schedule are tentative; many release dates will likely change throughout the year and entries may be added or replaced accordingly. The list will be updated as new information becomes available. For more details about specific release dates, please visit the “Upcoming Releases” page on this site or call 301-458-4800.
*In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NCHS is releasing data periodically from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), the Research and Development Survey (RANDS), and the Census Household Pulse Survey. Provisional COVID-19 death counts by week and state are updated Monday-Friday by 12 PM EST. Provisional COVID-19 death counts by select demographic and geographic characteristics, and measures of excess deaths are updated weekly on Wednesdays by 5 PM EST. In partnership with Census, NCHS released the first round of data on healthcare access and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic from the Household Pulse survey on a bi-weekly schedule from April 23, 2020 through July 21, 2020 and has continued releasing these data periodically through 2021. Data collection for Phase 3.3 began on December 1, 2021 and will continue through February 7, 2022. Data from NCHS’ RANDS for COVID-19 on healthcare access, use of telemedicine, and loss of work were initially released on Aug. 5, 2020 and additional data releases are planned. All COVID-19 data products may be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/index.htm.