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Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children

Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children
Summary Health Statistics tables

Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children healthcare clipboard

Interactive summary health statistics based on the National Health Interview Survey are provided for selected health topics for children under age 18 years. Estimates can be grouped by demographic characteristics such as age, race, or sex.

Use the options below to select a health topic, the data view ("Trends over time" or "Single year"), data years, and grouping variables. "Trends over time" allows for selecting a range of years. Both "Trends over time" and "Single year" views can be stratified by a grouping variable. Once a grouping variable is selected, a dropdown menu will appear, enabling selection of specific levels in each group.

After selecting the available options, the table or chart will automatically be updated.

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Based on household interviews of a sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population. Estimates are based on responses about the sample child, not all children in the family. Data came from the Sample Child File and were weighted using the Sample Child weight. Unknowns were not included in the denominators when calculating percentages. For more information on the data source, methods, and definitions used for this table, refer to Technical Notes for Interactive Summary Health Statistics: National Health Interview Survey (available from:

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Based on household interviews of a sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population. Estimates are based on responses about the sample child, not all children in the family. Unless otherwise noted above, data came from the Sample Child File and were weighted using the Sample Child weight. Unknowns were not included in the denominators when calculating percentages. For more information on the data source, methods, and definitions used for this table, refer to Technical Notes for Interactive Summary Health Statistics: National Health Interview Survey (available from:

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Summary Health Statistics

Summary Health Statistics are tables of descriptive statistics for various health measures including health status, conditions, health behaviors, activity limitations, health insurance coverage, and access and utilization of health care. Measures are shown for selected characteristics such as sex, age, race, ethnicity, family income, and region of the United States. Starting with the 2013 NHIS, Summary Health Statistics are provided in online tables. For the 1997-2012 NHIS, Summary Health Statistics were provided in three Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports (one each for adults, children, and the whole population), and for the 1962-1996 NHIS, similar descriptive statistics were provided in Current Estimates reports, which were also Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports.

For more information on the data source, methods, and definitions used for this table, refer to Technical Notes for Interactive Summary Health Statistics: National Health Interview Survey (available from:

Previous year Summary Health Statistics may be accessed by clicking the links below:

Tables of Summary Health Statistics (2013 NHIS and forward)

Summary Health Statistics Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports (1997–2012 NHIS)

Current Estimates Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports (1962–1996 NHIS)