

The Healthy People 2020 Final Review (HP2020 Final Review) was produced by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): Office of the Director (Brian Moyer, Director; Amy Branum, Associate Director for Science), Division of Analysis and Epidemiology (Irma Arispe, Director; Kevin Heslin, Associate Director for Science), Health Promotion Statistics Branch (David Huang, Branch Chief). The HP2020 Final Review is the result of collaboration between many agencies in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other federal departments. NCHS deeply appreciates the work of everyone who guided and contributed to the product.

NOTE: The contributors listed below are staff of NCHS unless noted otherwise.

Leadership Review

The scientific review process was led by Kevin Heslin and David Huang, with input from Makram Talih (contractor), Irma Arispe, Leda Gurley, and Richard Klein (contractor).

The Healthy People 2020 Final Review Team

The Project Management and Development Team was responsible for developing the interactive components, controlling data quality, and creating promotional materials to share the HP2020 Final Review. Kate Hubbard was the project management lead for the HP2020 Final Review, with substantial contributions from development team leaders, including Johanna Alfier, Bryan Bassig, LaJeana Hawkins, and Sibeso Joyner. Other contributors on the team included Robert Francis, Leda Gurley, David Huang, Deepthi Kandi, Mark Montgomery, Cheryl Rose, Asel Ryskulova, and Ritu Tuteja.

The Data Analysis and Programming Team was responsible for producing and analyzing the data used for the HP2020 Final Review. The members of this team included Deepthi Kandi, Kate Hubbard, and Robert Francis.

The Internal Data Review Team contributed significantly to the HP2020 Final Review. Their knowledge of the various topic areas, attention to detail in data verification, and quality control was a key component in the production of the Final Review. The members of this team included Johanna Alfier, Bryan Bassig, Lesley Dobrzynski, LaJeana Hawkins, Kate Hubbard, Kimberly Hurvitz, Elizabeth Jackson, Jessly Joy, Sibeso Joyner, Mark Montgomery, Asel Ryskulova, Rashmi Tandon, Ritu Tuteja, and Jean Williams.

The Promotional Content Team was responsible for promoting the HP2020 Final Review. It was led by LaJeana Hawkins, with contributions from Sibeso Joyner and Mark Montgomery

Web Product Development and Editing

NCHS Office of Information Services and Office of Information Technology staff supported production for the publication through information technology, data visualization, and editorial review. Team members included Latria Dolberry, Anthony Lipphardt, Jennifer Moore, Tatiana Nwankwo, Dorothy Roper, and Danielle Taylor.

External Review and Consultation

Recommendations and feedback for the HP2020 Final Review were also provided by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), including Carter Blakey, Deputy Director; and the following staff: Jennifer Bishop, Tiffani Kigenyi, Yen Lin, Holly McPeak, and Emmeline Ochiai. Additionally, Elizabeth Dee and Debbie Hoyer of ODPHP contributed significantly to the development and planning of the HP2020 Final Review and worked closely with Kate Hubbard and the NCHS team leads to create the vision and plan for the products.

Other external partners provided recommendations and feedback: the Healthy People Federal Interagency Workgroup (FIW) and the Healthy People topic area workgroups.

The Healthy People 2020 Final Review FIW Subgroup reviewed draft mockups and data produced for the publication. The feedback it provided helped to improve the mockups and determine what data should be made available to users. The FIW Subgroup played a special role in ensuring the products being created for the HP2020 Final Review were useful and accessible to the average or novice Healthy People user. Members of the FIW Subgroup were Katie Akif (National Institutes of Health [NIH]), Elizabeth Neilson (NIH), David Niebuhr (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), Martina Taylor (NIH), Erin Thomas (NIH), Gina Thornton-Evans (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Liz Vogt (NIH), and Minh Wendt (Office of Minority Health).