Healthy People 2000

Priority Areas

Priority Areas

  1. Physical Activity and Fitness
  2. Nutrition
  3. Tobacco
  4. Substance Abuse: Alcohol an Other Drugs
  5. Family Planning
  6. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
  7. Violent and Abusive Behavior
  8. Educational and Community-Based Programs
  9. Unintentional Injuries
  10. Occupational Safety and Health
  11. Environmental Health
  12. Food and Drug Safety
  13. Oral Health
  14. Maternal and Infant Health
  15. Heart Disease and Stroke
  16. Cancer
  17. Diabetes and Chronic Disabling Conditions
  18. HIV Infection
  19. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  20. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
  21. Clinical Preventive Services
  22. Surveillance and Data Systems