Foundation Health Measures

Foundation Health Measures

The Healthy People 2020 Foundation Health Measures are global summary measures used to monitor improvement in population health in the broadest sense. Such measures have been a cornerstone of Healthy People that reflect the impact of actions and interventions implemented to achieve the Healthy People 2020 objectives and goals.

The Foundation Health Measures component of the Healthy People 2020 Final Review includes a bar chart, line graph, and accompanying data table that can be filtered using the interactive displays below. More information about the definition and construction of these measures can be found in the links in the Technical Footnotes below.


Note: The Foundation Health Measures that include disability (FHM-1.2, 2.2, 6.1, 6.2) are available from 2010–2017. To view any of these measures in the data chart, select any year before 2018 and then select the Category or Individual Measure.

Technical Footnotes

FHM is Foundation Health Measure.

HLE is healthy life expectancy.

The FHM Technical Notes provide more information about the definition and construction of these measures.

DATA SOURCES (FHM-1.1–FHM-2.3): National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey and National Vital Statistics System–Mortality.

DATA SOURCE (FHM-3–FHM-4): National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System–Mortality.

DATA SOURCE (FHM-5.1–FHM-7.2): National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey.


Suggested citation

National Center for Health Statistics. Healthy People 2020 Foundation Health Measures. Healthy People 2020 Final Review. 2021. DOI: