NCHS Data Linkage

Restricted-Use NCHS-USRDS End-Stage Renal Disease Data

Restricted-Use Data

NCHS survey data have been linked to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) data obtained from United States Renal Data System (USRDS). The ESRD data are divided into six files: Match Status, Patient Profile, Medical Evidence Report, Detailed Treatment History, Condensed Treatment History, and Payer History.

Descriptions of the USRDS ESRD files that have been linked to NCHS survey data can be found in the following NCHS report:

NCHS-USRDS ESRD Linkage: 1974-2018

Data Access

Due to confidentiality requirements, the Restricted-Use NCHS-USRDS ESRD Data are accessible only through the NCHS Research Data Center (RDC). All interested researchers must submit a research proposal to the RDC. Please see the RDC web site for instructions on submitting a proposal (RDC website).

Restricted Use Dictionaries

Variable List

 NCHS-USRDS ESRD linked data (1974-2018)