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COVID-19 Mortality Overview
Provisional Death Counts for COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NCHS is releasing provisional death data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) on an ongoing basis. These data come directly from death certificates filed at the state and local level, and feature counts of COVID-19-related deaths by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, place of death, and include information on other health conditions and comorbidities involved in these deaths. Estimates on excess deaths – the number of deaths exceeding the normal average total of deaths in recent years – are also included. The statistical summary below is updated monthly (usually the last on Wednesday of the month), and includes links to corresponding data tables on the NCHS COVID-19 data page.
Summary on COVID-19 Deaths
NOTE: Due to delayed reporting of death certificates, this count is incomplete and less than counts from other sources besides NCHS. The result is a lag in the count totals of a few weeks, and as more data are received, these totals will likely equal or exceed counts reported by other sources through the same week.