Health Care Access, Telemedicine, and Mental Health

Health Care Access, Telemedicine, and Mental Health

As part of an ongoing partnership with the Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) included select health-related questions on an experimental data product called the Household Pulse Survey. This 20-minute online survey was designed to complement the ability of the federal statistical system to rapidly respond and provide relevant information about the impact of COVID-19 in the United States. Data collection began on April 23, 2020, and updated estimates are available monthly.

Household Pulse Survey
mental health

Tabulated data will be updated every month. Estimates of the percentage of adults with symptoms of anxiety and depressed mood are available by select sociodemographic characteristics.

health insurance

Tabulated data will be updated every month. Estimates of the percentage of adults aged 18-64 with health insurance coverage (e.g. uninsured, public coverage, private coverage) for adults 18-64 are available by select sociodemographic characteristics.

Man experiencing post covid symptoms

Tabulated data will be updated every month. Estimates of the percentage of adults with post-COVID-19 conditions are available by select sociodemographic characteristics.

Man experiencing post covid symptoms

Tabulated data will be updated every month. Estimates of the percentage of adults with a lack of social connection, derived from questions on social support, loneliness, and social isolation, are available by select sociodemographic characteristics.

Disabled man on wheelchair crossing the road.

Tabulated data will be updated every month. Estimates of symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder, mental health care use, reduced access to care, telemedicine use, and health insurance coverage will be available by disability status and by the following demographic characteristics: age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and education.

Over the shoulder shot of a patient talking to a doctor using of a digital tablet

Tabulated data include estimates of telemedicine use in the last four weeks among adults and in households with children by select sociodemographic characteristics. Questions were included from Phase 3.1 through Phase 3.5 of the survey.

mental health care

Tabulated data include estimates of the percentage of adults who take prescription medication for their mental health, receive counseling or therapy for their mental health, or have unmet mental health care need by select sociodemographic characteristics. Questions were included from Phase 2 through Phase 3.4 of the survey.

problems accessing care

Tabulated data included problems accessing care due to COVID-19 by age, education, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and disability status. Questions were only included in Phases 1, 2, 3, and 3.1 of the survey.