About Infant and Toddler Nutrition

Key points

  • Good nutrition is vital for a young child's healthy growth and development.
  • There are practical strategies for breastfeeding and for feeding healthy foods and drinks to infants and toddlers.
  • These tips can help parents and caregivers give their children a healthy start.
Two photos. One on left is an infant breastfeeding. One on right is a mother feeding a toddler who is sitting in a high chair.

Why it's important

Good nutrition during the first 2 years of life is vital for healthy growth and development. Starting good nutrition practices early can help children develop healthy dietary patterns.

Hunger Hotline‎

Food Assistance and Food Systems identifies a Hunger Hotline and food sources for everyday situations. Also see resources for food before, during, and after an emergency or disaster.



Breast milk is a great source of nutrition for your baby. Learn more:

Tips for Infant Formula Feeding
Learn about choosing an infant formula, preparing and storing infant formula, and how much and how often to feed.

Feeding From a Bottle
Feed your baby breast milk or infant formula from a bottle. Learn how to clean supplies and more.

Foods & Drinks for 6-to 24-Month Olds
Introduce children to foods and drinks other than breast milk and infant formula when they are about 6 months old.

Tips for Mealtime Routines
Learn how to tell when your child is hungry or full, about mealtime routines and tips, and more.

Vitamins & Minerals
Give certain vitamins and minerals to help your child grow healthy and strong.

Helpful Resources
Explore other websites that have information on nutrition, breastfeeding, mealtime, and more.

Have more questions about feeding your infant or toddler? Visit our FAQ page.