Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual, Injection Drug Use, or Other Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV—United States, 2024 Update

Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual, Injection Drug Use, or Other Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV—United States, 2024 Update

Subject: HIV nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis (nPEP) clinical guidelines

Purpose: To provide updated recommendations and considerations for use of HIV nPEP in the U.S., including newer antiretroviral agents, updated nPEP indication considerations, and emerging nPEP implementation strategies. These recommendations are intended to inform the clinical practice of U.S. healthcare professionals for adults and children potentially exposed to HIV outside of occupational settings.

Type of Dissemination: Influential Scientific Information

Timing of Review (including deferrals): 06/05/2024 to 07/31/2024

Type of Review (panel, individual or alternative procedure): Individual

Opportunities for the Public to Comment (how and when): None

Peer Reviewers Provided with Public Comments Before Their Review: Not applicable

Anticipated Number of Reviewers: 3

Primary Disciplines or Expertise Needed for Review: Peer reviewers were selected based on expertise and diversity of scientific viewpoints. Peer reviewers were selected based on training and relevant experience in the fields of infectious diseases, HIV prevention, and HIV nPEP specifically.

Reviewers Selected by: CDC/NCHHSTP

Public Nominations Requested for Review Panel: No

Peer reviewers: Kenneth Mayer, MD; Joanne D. Stekler, MD, MPH; Susan Buchbinder, MD

Charge to Peer Reviewers:
External peer reviewers are asked to objectively review the draft guideline document and appendices, provide feedback where indicated to increase usability and clarity, and to assess whether the type and strength of recommendations is appropriate given the methods and evidence that contributed to the recommendation development.

CDC will review all individual comments from the peer reviewers and will then make decisions about updating the guideline based on all comments. A summary of comments and response (without attribution) will be posted for public review.