Applying for PS24-0020: Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) for HIV Prevention Programs to End the HIV Epidemic in the United States

Please access the NOFO by searching “CDC-RFA-PS-24-0020” to complete your application package using


CDC announces the competitive availability of fiscal year 2024 funds to implement a capacity building assistance (CBA) program to strengthen the capacity and improve the performance of the nation’s HIV workforce. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) supports the network of funded providers under this NOFO, established and referenced as the CBA Provider Network (CPN), to implement the following six inter-related program components:

  • Component A: Technical Assistance to Enhance Integrated HIV Activities for Health Department Jurisdiction
  • Component B: Instructor-led Training for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
  • Component C: eLearning Training for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
  • Component D: Technical Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
  • Component E: Organization/Workforce Development and Management for Community-Based Organizations
  • Component F: CPN Resource and Coordination Center


This comprehensive CBA program prioritizes building individual competencies and technical expertise, strengthening organizational capacities, and enabling supportive structural environments to plan, integrate, implement, evaluate, and sustain HIV prevention and surveillance programs. This NOFO promotes and supports the goals and strategies of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States 2022–2025, the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States (EHE) initiative, the HIV Care Continuum, and CDC’s High-Impact Prevention (HIP) approach. This program also aligns with the Division of HIV Prevention’s (DHP) health equity priorities of addressing social determinants of health (SDH) and syndemics affecting HIV-related outcomes.

Eligibility Information

The funding opportunity is unrestricted and open to any type of entity including, but not limited to, the following governmental and nongovernmental organizations:

  • American Indian/Alaska Native tribal governments (federally recognized or state-recognized)
  • American Indian/Alaska native tribally designated organizations
  • Alaska Native health corporations
  • Colleges
  • Community-based organizations
  • Faith-based organizations
  • For-profit organizations (other than small business)
    Healthcare corporations
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Hospitals
  • Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education)
  • Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education)
    Political subdivisions of States (in consultation with States)
  • Professional associations
  • Research institutions (that will perform activities deemed as non-research)
  • Small, minority, and women-owned businesses
  • State and local governments or their Bona Fide Agents
  • Tribal epidemiology centers
  • Universities
  • Urban Indian health organizations

Eligibility is subject to the following clarification as outlined in the “Additional Information on Eligibility” section of the funding opportunity:

Applicants are permitted to submit only one application but may apply for a maximum of two (2) components. Multiple applications from one applicant or an application for more than two (2) components will be deemed as nonresponsive, and the application(s) will receive no further review.

Applicants will be required to submit the following documentation:

  1. At the time of application submission, applicants are required to upload and submit via the following PDF files:
    • “Table of Contents for Entire Submission”,
    • “Project Abstract Summary”,
    • “Project Narrative”,
    • “Work Plan”,
    • “Budget Narrative”,
    • “CDC Assurances and Certifications”,
    • “Report on Programmatic, Budgetary and Commitment Overlap”,
  2. Evidence of Service – Applicant must demonstrate at least two years engagement and provision of training, technical assistance provision, and/or capacity building assistance with HIV prevention or care services to the selected population of focus. Examples include Progress Reports, Notice of Award or Media publications, or letter from an applicant’s funding source, other than CDC, documenting the applicant’s performance related to the component of which the applicant is applying.
  3. Letters of Support – Maximum of two (2) Letters of support or commitment to demonstrate an intended or prior relationships with the applicant.
  4. Work Examples – An example of experience/related work to support the component of which the applicant is applying. The document or weblink must include recent examples of component relevant work products, materials, tools, etc.
    Acceptable examples of work may include, but are not limited to:
    • Examples of, or links to, in-person and virtual instructor-led training materials (e.g. Trainers Manual, Participant Manual/Handbook) that were designed, developed and implemented over the past three years.
    • Examples of in-person and virtual instructor-led training coordination policies, processes or procedures for the past three years.
    • Description of, or links to, electronic repositories and websites utilized or developed to house in-person and virtual instructor-led training materials.
    • Examples of, or links to, eLearning training materials (e.g., eLearning course samples, eLearning storyboards, job aids or performance support files, animation or other multimedia examples, etc.) that were designed, developed, and implemented over the past three years.
    • Technical assistance products for the HIV/STI workforce tailored to address prevention needs for one or more priority populations
    • Examples of, or links to, marketing materials designed and developed for HIV/STI workforce.

If any of these required documents are missing, the application will be deemed nonresponsive and not considered for further review.

Applying for multiple components guidance

You may only submit one application. However, an organization may apply and receive awards for a maximum of two (2) components. An applicant must adhere to the following guidance and page limits if applying for two components. If multiple applications or an application with more than two components are received, the application(s) will be deemed nonresponsive and not considered for further review.

  • Project Abstract Summary
    •  The 1-page summary should indicate the components of which the applicant is applying.
  • Budget/Budget Narrative:
    • The applicant must submit a budget narrative for each component.
    • The Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) must be applied across the entire budget requested, the ICR can only be applied once.
  • Project Narrative
    • The page limit if applying for one component is 20 pages, single spaced. If applying for two components, an additional 10 pages may be included to complete the required sections in the Project Narrative. The additional pages should be used to describe the Background, Approach, and Workplan for the second component. Separate workplans must submitted for each component. Be sure to clearly label the information for each component throughout the application.
    • The maximum number of pages for the project narrative is 30 pages, single spaced.
  • Work Examples
    • Specific related work examples must be provided for each applicable component.
  • Letters of Support

The applicant may submit a max of four (4) letters, two (2) for each applicable component.

Recipient Information

The following recipients have been awarded under the components listed.

Component A

  • National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD)

Component B

  • Cicatelli Associates, Inc.

Component C

  • Health HIV

Component D

  • City & County of San Francisco
  • Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. dba Heluna Health
  • Denver Health & Hospital Authority
  • The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
  • Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc.
  • AIDS United
  • Cicatelli Associates, Inc.
  • Puerto Rican Org. for Comm. Ed. & Eco. Dev. Inc. (PROCEED)
  • University of Rochester
  • Community Education Group
  • Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc.

Component E

  • NMAC

Component F

  • Puerto Rican Org. for Comm. Ed. & Eco. Dev. Inc. (PROCEED)

Attachments and Information Resources

Important Resources

Pre-Application Technical Assistance

All webinars are open to all interested applicants. Participation is strongly encouraged but not required to apply for this funding opportunity.

PS24-0020 Overview and Q&A Sessions

CDC will provide comprehensive reviews of the funding opportunity announcement including program, eligibility, and application requirements. These sessions will be an additional opportunity for applicants to ask any questions.

  • March 6, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (link retired)
    Meeting ID: 864 8598 6964
    Passcode: 096868

    One tap mobile
  • March 12, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (link retired)
    Meeting ID: 851 2852 8497
    Passcode: 124228

    One tap mobile
  • Last Chance Q&A Session
    April 18, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (link retired)
    Meeting ID: 856 9997 3296
    Passcode: 703996

    One tap mobile

Technical Assistance Mailbox
CDC has established an email box ( for potential applicants to ask questions about the funding opportunity and application process. These mailboxes will be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for individuals to submit a message. CDC staff will respond to all questions within three business days.  As appropriate, applicant questions and CDC responses will be posted to the funding opportunity website accessible to all applicants.

Letter of Intent

CDC strongly urges you to complete a LOI prior to the submission of your application. The purpose of this letter is to inform CDC of your interest in applying for funding under PS24-0020. Although a LOI is not required and non-binding, it is highly recommended as it allows CDC program staff to estimate the number of and plan for the review of submitted applications.

Applicants should use the Attachment B: PS24-0020 Letter of Intent for completion and submission to indicate your intent to submit an application.

Completed LOI must be electronically submitted to

An email acknowledging CDC’s receipt of a LOI submission will be sent to the potential applicant.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Application Related

  1. Can an organization currently receiving federal funding to provide capacity building assistance (e.g., training or technical assistance) apply for this funding opportunity?
    Yes. Any organization that meets all eligibility requirements can apply for this funding opportunity.
  2. May an organization submit an application and be a subcontractor for another organization’s application?
    Yes. An organization may submit an application and be a subcontractor for another organization’s application. However, there should be no duplication of effort.
  3. Does the 12-point font requirement apply to the work plan, tables, graphics, etc.?
    If the workplan is in narrative form it is subject to the 12-point font. However, if embedded in a table or graphic, the font may be less than 12 point.
  4. If applicants apply for two components, must they score highly on both components to be funded?
    Applications for each component are reviewed independently. An organization can receive funding for more than one component.

Project Narrative and Workplan

  1. Is the workplan included in the Project Narrative?
    Yes, the workplan is included in the Project Narrative. The narrative must include all the following headings and subheadings: Background, Approach, Applicant Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan, Organizational Capacity of Applicants to Implement the Approach, and Work Plan. The 20-page limit applies if you are applying for only one component. The page limit is 30 if you are applying for two components. The font within the work plan table may be less than 12 pt font but ensure the text can be read by the reviewer.
  2. What is the level of detail expected for the work plan?
    Applicants should provide a concise narrative of an overarching approach to meet intended program outcomes during the five-year project period (i.e., Five-Year Overview of Proposed Program). Applicants should also provide a detailed Year 1 work plan that includes:
  • Intended program outcomes aligned with component requirements;
  • Component requirements aligned with SMART objectives; and
  • SMART objectives aligned with action steps, timelines, responsible parties, deliverables, and performance measurement.

To support applicants, a recommended work plan template is available at PS24-0020 | Announcements | Funding | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Further determination regarding the level of detail for the work plan lies within the discretion of the applicant and is subject to criteria for the competitive review of applications as described in the “Review and Selection” section of the NOFO.

Component Specific Questions

  1. Are other authoring tools considered “CDC-approved” (e.g., Articulate), or is Lectora Online the only one?
    At this time, Lectora Online and Adobe Captiva are the CDC-approved and preferred eLearning authoring tools.
  2. Under PS19-1904, Technical Assistance (TA) providers work primarily on a regional level. This NOFO does not specify a regional approach. Is there an expectation that TA providers will address the TA needs of health departments (HDs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) nationwide?
    PS24-0020 does not designate Component D recipients regionally. Additionally, funded recipients will be not selected based on their region or location. There is no regional approach to this NOFO. CDC will make assignments for technical assistance from health departments and community-based organizations based on location, topic, and workload of the providers. Component D recipients may provide technical assistance to HDs and CBOs across the nation.
  3. Can Component D recipients include travel scholarships for CBO Summit participants in their budget to ensure equitable access?
    Attendees will use their CDC funds through their funded program to attend the CBO Summit. Component D staff should use travel funds to travel to the summit location.
  4. Can CDC clarify the Summit structure described in Component D on p. 21 of the NOFO? Are individual recipients expected to provide four summits in Year 1 and each subsequent funding year?
    Collectively, Component D recipients will host four in-person summits per year across the country; each recipient must co-host at least one summit annually. Component D recipients will collaborate and share equally in the planning and implementation of their assigned summit in partnership with an assigned CDC Program Consultant (PC) and Component F recipient to assist with administrative and meeting coordination support. These summits will begin in Year 2, and the planning of the summits will start in Year 1.
  5. Can you clarify if each Component D provider will lead their own Community of Practice session four times per year?
    Yes, each Component D provider will lead their own Community of Practice sessions four times per project year.
  6. For the CBO Summit, is it expected that each Component D recipient will provide speakers and trainers for each of the summits (i.e., all have the same agenda) or only the one they will co-host?
    The Component D recipients will collaborate to establish the agenda, speakers, etc. This will be a collaborative activity for planning purposes, and CDC staff will assist with the process.

Budget Questions

  1. The NOFO suggests that Year 1 is from July 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025. Should we include activities and budget for only nine months for Year 1?
    For year 1, recipients will receive funding based on a 9-month project period. Subsequent years will receive funding for a full year project period. In an effort to best assess, your proposed program and the level of funding needed for a full year, applicants are asked to submit a budget and budget narrative based on a 12-month project period.
  2. On p. 20 under Required Strategies and Activities, the NOFO refers to Appendix C. Where can Appendix C be found?
    The referenced document in the NOFO Appendix C: Program and Training Guidance will be provided to funded recipients post-award. If you need additional information regarding the current behavioral and biomedical interventions and public health strategies that the recipient may be asked to support through this NOFO, please visit

After you Apply

In accordance with the “Review and Section Process” section of the funding opportunity, CDC will use a three-phase process to review and select applications.

Phase I Review:

All applications will be initially reviewed for eligibility and completeness by the Office of Grants Services. Complete applications will be reviewed for responsiveness by Grants Management Officials and Program Officials. Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be deemed non-responsive applications and will not advance for further review. Applicants will be electronically notified that their applications did not meet eligibility and/or published submission requirements.

Phase II Review:

An objective review panel will evaluate complete, eligible applications in accordance with the criteria section outlined in the NOFO.  The applications will be objectively reviewed and scored by an independent review panel.

  1. Approach (35 points)
  2. Evaluation and Performance Measurement (25 points)
  3. Applicant’s Organizational Capacity to Implement the Approach (40 points)
  4. Budget (Reviewed, but not scored)

Applicants will be electronically notified no later than 30 days after completion of this review phase.

Phase III Review:

Applicants will be selected to receive a pre-decisional site visit (PDSV) based on ranked scores from the review panel (Phase II). In addition to ranked scores, the following CDC funding preferences may be considered: Not all applicants applying for funding will receive a Pre-Decisional Site Visit (PDSV). Applicants will be selected for a PDSV based on ranked scores from the Objective Review process.

Final funding determinations will be based on rank order of scores from the entire application review process and consideration for CDC’s funding preferences.

Awards will be announced prior to the anticipated award date of July 1, 2024.


For programmatic technical assistance, contact:
Erica K. Dunbar, Senior Advisor for Program
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333

For financial, awards management, or budget assistance, contact:
Edna Green, Grants Management Specialist
Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Grants Services
Atlanta, GA 30341

For assistance with submission difficulties related to, contact the Contact Center by phone at 1-800-518-4726. Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on federal holidays.

For all other submission questions, contact:
Technical Information Management Section
Department of Health and Human Services
CDC Office of Financial Resources
Office of Grants Services
2920 Brandywine Road, MS E-14
Atlanta, GA 30341
Telephone: 770-488-2700

CDC Telecommunications for persons with hearing loss is available at: TTY 1-888-232-6348.