Module 1: School Health and Safety Policies and Environment
Module 3: Physical Education and Other Physical Activity Programs
Module 4: Nutrition Environment and Services
Module 5: School Health Services
Module 6: School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Module 7: Social and Emotional Climate
Module 8: Physical Environment
Implementing the School Health Index
Step 1: Assemble the School Health Index Team
Step 2: Conduct School Health Index Introduction Meeting
Step 3: Complete Self-Assessment Process
Video Transcript [PDF - 53 KB]
How does facilitation help the process?
What are the steps to plan for improvement and implement changes?
What is the difference between the scores on the Module Score Cards and the Overall Score Card?
What is the purpose of the School Health Improvement Plan?
Why are tasks assigned to specific people?
How can progress be monitored?
How can community resources be used to implement steps?
What criteria establish which actions to implement first?