Module 1: School Health and Safety Policies and Environment
Module 3: Physical Education and Other Physical Activity Programs
Module 4: Nutrition Environment and Services
Module 5: School Health Services
Module 6: School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Module 7: Social and Emotional Climate
Module 8: Physical Environment
Implementing the School Health Index
Step 1: Assemble the School Health Index Team
Step 2: Conduct School Health Index Introduction Meeting
Step 3: Complete Self-Assessment Process
Video Transcript [PDF - 48 KB]
What factors influence the physical environment?
How can students get involved in promoting environmental health?
EPA Healthy Schools, Healthy Kids
EPA Overview of Routine Cleaning and Maintenance for a Healthy School Environment
EPA Preventing Pests for Healthier Schools: The Health Case for Integrated Pest Management [PDF - 2.21 MB]
EPA Healthy Schools and Indoor Air Quality
EPA State School Environmental Health Guidelines
USDE Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center