Module 1: School Health and Safety Policies and Environment
Module 3: Physical Education and Other Physical Activity Programs
Module 4: Nutrition Environment and Services
Module 5: School Health Services
Module 6: School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Module 7: Social and Emotional Climate
Module 8: Physical Environment
Implementing the School Health Index
Step 1: Assemble the School Health Index Team
Step 2: Conduct School Health Index Introduction Meeting
Step 3: Complete Self-Assessment Process
Video Transcript [PDF - 50 KB]
What are some activity areas to include in a physical education curriculum?
Is there a CDC tool to conduct an analysis of physical education curricula?
Is there a CDC tool to guide schools through developing a comprehensive physical education program?
How can physical activity be incorporated into the school day?
What physical activity programs can be incorporated before and after school?
CDC Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program
CDC Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program e-Learning Module
CDC Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
CDC Strategies for Recess in Schools [PDF - 2.6 MB]
CDC Tips for Teachers: Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in the Classroom [PDF - 3.6 MB]
CDC Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit
National Network of Public Health Institutes Springboard to Active Schools: Keep Recess in Schools [PDF - 1.0 MB]
National Standards for K-12 Physical Education [PDF - 75.6 KB]
SHAPE America: Essential Components of Physical Education [PDF - 404 KB]