Visual Panel - Charts & Maps

At a glance

The settings here will allow you to adjust the look and feel of your visualizations, including colors, spacing, and font size.

Where to Use

Visualization Types

This panel displays the fields below for all visualization types except Data Bite, Linear Gauge, Sparkline, and Waffle Chart.

Common Fields

Header Theme: Choose a color for your header, where the title is shown. All headers will default to CDC Blue.

Use Selected Palette in Reverse Order: Not available for Forecast and Sankey charts. Reverses the ordering of the color palette. For example, on a palette that uses dark colors for high numbers, the setting applies dark colors to low numbers.

Sequential Palettes: Not available for Deviation, Forecast, Paired Bar, and Sankey charts. The choices here use colors in a light-to-dark or dark-to-light order to show comparative relationship with the data.

Non-Sequential Palettes: Not available for Deviation, Forecast, Paired Bar, and Sankey charts. The choices here use complementary colors that do not show a specific relationship. These palettes are best used for categorical data.

Colorblind Safe Palette: Not available for Deviation, Forecast, Paired Bar, and Sankey charts. The Okabe-Ito color palette was proposed by Okabe and Ito (2008) as a qualitative color palette that is accessible to people with a variety of forms of color vision deficiency. Although certain colors in the palette may not meet Section 508 conformance for non-text contrast, the availability of a colorblind safe palette gives more options for COVE visualizations.

Tooltip Opacity: Not available for Sankey charts. Set how transparent the white background is for tooltips.

Chart Fields

Bar Borders: Bar and Combo charts only. False or True - puts a border outline around each bar on your chart. This is recommended to be turned on ("True") for best Section 508 compliance.

Animate Visualization: Not available for Box, Bump, Sankey and Scatter charts. Select to dynamically "draw" the visualization on load. This element is best used sparingly, as it can affect the load time of the page.

*NEW* Line Datapoint Symbols: Line charts only. Turn on symbols for the datapoints by selecting "Standard".

Line Datapoint Style: Line charts only. Set the data points to show never, on hover, or always.

*NEW* Line Datapoint Color: Line charts only. Choose for your datapoints to be the same color as the line or a lighter color.

Data Cutoff: Not available for Box, Pie, and Sankey charts. Used to set a lower limit to data results both in the chart and in the Data Table. Numbers below that lower limit will show as “<” the cutoff.

Bar Thickness: Bar, Combo, Deviation Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Paired Bar charts only. This number increases and decreases the thickness of the bars displayed in the chart.

Bar Space: Deviation Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Paired Bar charts only. Adjusts the number of pixels between the bars.

Add Top Axis Line: Bar, Combo, Horizontal Bar, and Line charts only. Places a horizontal axis on the top of the chart. This effectively boxes the chart in.

Append Series Name to End of Line Charts: Combo and Line charts only. Places the name of the data series at the end of the line. This can be especially helpful when the legend has been moved to the bottom or the lines cross a lot. It is also highly recommended for line charts that have regions applied for clarity and Section 508 compliance. To avoid the series name being buried under the legend box, it is recommended to use a top or bottom legend with this feature.

Match Series Color to Name at the End of the Line: Combo and Line charts only, with series name appended. This puts the name in the same color as the line.

Vertical Hover Line: Area, Bar, Combo, Forecast, Horizontal, and Line charts only. Places a dashed line on the chart vertically where the mouse is hovering.

Horizontal Hover Line: Area, Bar, Combo, Forecast, Horizontal, and Line charts only. Places a dashed line on the chart horizontally where the mouse is hovering.

Show Hover for Single Data Series: Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Line charts only. For charts with multiple data series, this sets the hover to only the data series under the mouse.

No Data Message: Customize the text that displays when a filter selection has no data available.

Map Fields

Show Title: Uncheck to hide the title. This is the same box that is also available under the Title field in the General panel.

Geo Border Color: Change from the default dark grey borders between states/counties/countries to a white border. The white border is best used for dark-colored maps.

Geocode Circle Size: Pixel diameter of cities in the dataset.

Allow Map Zooming: Single State and World maps only. Enables scroll-wheel and button zooming for better visibility.

Default City Style: Not available for Region and Single State maps. Choose from Circle, Pin, Square, Triangle, Diamond, Star.

Label (Optional): Not available for Region and Single State maps. Label for the cities.

Add City Style: Not available for Geocode maps. Click the button to add additional, specific styles for cities.

  • Column with Configuration Value: Choose the column that has the value for configuration.
  • Value to Trigger: Value must be an exact match.
  • Shape: Circle, Pin, Square, Triangle, Diamond, Star.
  • Label: Name the city style for the legend.

Box Plot Fields

Box Plot Borders: Turn the borders on (true) or off (false).

Plot Outliers: Check the box to plot the outlining data points on the chart. Keep in mind how visually busy this may make the chart.

Plot Non-Outlier Values: Check the box to plot non-outlying data points on the chart. Keep in mind how visually busy this may make the chart.

Lollipop Style Bar Chart Fields

Lollipop Shape: Choose a circle or square shape for the head of the bar.

Lollipop Color Style: Regular (all the same color) or Two-Tone (head is darker than the bar).

Lollipop Size: Small, Medium, or Large.

Sankey Fields

Story Node Color: Select a hex color for the data point in the diagram.

Story Node Font Color: Select a hex color for the font.

Link Color: Selecting a color for the lines that link the data points.

Bubble Style Map Fields

Minimum Bubble Size: Smallest size a bubble can be in pixel diameter.

Maximum Bubble Size: Largest size a bubble can be in pixel diameter.

Show Data with Zero's on Bubble Map: Show locations with zeros in the data set.

Bubble Map Has Extra Border: Adds a white border around the darker colored border for greater contrast.