Measures Panel

At a glance

The Measures panel controls the settings to adjust the look and feel of Box Plot chart levels.

Where to Use

Visualization Types‎

This panel displays for Box Plots.

Box Plot Fields

Maximum: Change the label in the hover and data table for the upper "whisker".

Upper Quartile: Change the label in the hover and data table for the upper edge of the box.

Median: Change the label in the hover and data table for the middle line in the box.

Lower Quartile: Change the label in the hover and data table for the lower edge of the box.

Minimum: Change the label in the hover and data table for the lower "whisker".

Interquartile Range: Change the label in the data table for the range of the box.

Total: Change the label in the data table for the total.

Mean: Change the label in the data table for the average of the data series.

Outliers: Change the label in the data table for the outliers.

Values: Change the label in the data table for the values.