At a glance
Common Fields
Data Scaling Type: Set the scaling type to Categorical (Linear Scale), Date (Linear Scale), or Date (Date Time Scale). Date Time Scale will force data to be distributed on a calendrical scale, so each day, month, or year takes up the same space. Linear Scale will force the dates into calendar order but maintain equal spacing.
Manual Ticks: Check this box to start the ticks from the right instead of the left. This is especially helpful if you need to make sure the most recent data always has a tick. Use the Step Count box further down to specify the approximate number of ticks.
Show Dates Newest to Oldest: Not available for Categorical Axis. Sorts the dates so the most recent data is closest to the left axis.
Padding (Percent): Not available for Bump, Deviation Bar, Horizontal Bar, or Paired Bar charts. Date Time Scale only. Adds additional space to the left and right of the data if your visualization seems cluttered.
Data Key: Select the column that has the data for the horizontal axis.
Label: Type a label for the axis. Limited to 35 characters.
Date Parse Format: Type the pattern used to enter the date information. For example, a date pattern of 3/5/2016 would be entered as %m/%d/%Y (month/day/Year). Capitalization is important. View additional parse options.
Axis Date Display Format: Type the pattern to display the date on the axis. This field must be completed, but does not need to match the Date Parse Format. If you have %m/%d/%Y as the Date Parse, you can enter %m-%Y as the display and it will work correctly. View additional parse options. Exception for Forecast charts - the display format must exactly match the parse format for labels to apply correctly.
Data Table Date Display Format: Type the patten to display on the data table if you would like it to be different than the axis. Leave blank to apply the Axis Date Display Format.
Hover Date Display Format: Type the patten to display on hover if you would like it to be different than the axis. Leave blank to apply the Axis Date Display Format.
Show Year Once: For axis with more than one year in the data, the year will only display on the first tick for that year. Note that while this option is able to be checked for single year chart, it will remove the year for all ticks.
Limit by Start and/or End Dates: Not available for Bump charts. For date scales, choose a lesser time frame than the full data set.
Exclude One or More Values: Not available for Deviation, Horizontal Bar, or Paired Bar charts. Remove one or more values from a categorical axis. This is particularly useful when there is a totaling cell in the data.
Number of Ticks / Step Count: Not available for Sparklines. Tick marks provide reference points on a scale. The general rule of thumb is to use them judiciously and avoid using them at odd intervals. Please note that the number entered is not always the number that is displayed. Factors such as space available and data may affect the exact number used.
Number of ticks / Step Count: viewport overrides: Not available for Sparklines. Customize the approximate number of ticks for each viewport - L, M, S, XS, XXS.
Size (Height): Not available for Bump and Sparkline charts. This increases and decreases space available between the Date/Category Axis and the Label, if used.
Label Offset: Change the distance between the axis and the label to increase readability.
Use Responsive Ticks: Not available for Deviation, Horizontal Bar, Paired Bar, and Sparkline charts. If checked, the ticks will automatically adjust rotation based on screen size.
Tick Rotation (Degrees) / Max Tick Rotation: Not available for Sparklines. Note: Label depends on selection for "Use Responsive Ticks." If labels on the X axis are long, they have issues with overlapping. To fix this issue, increase the tick rotation degrees by inserting a number between 0 and 90. 25 degrees is usually sufficient.
Hide Axis: Not available for Sparklines. Remove the axis line from the chart. Consider the chart’s interpretation by the user to guide this selection.
Hide Tick Labels: Not available for Bump or Sparkline charts. Remove the numeric labels from the tick marks. Consider the chart’s interpretation by the user to guide this selection.
Hide Ticks: Not available for Deviation Bar, Horizontal Bar, Paired Bar, or Sparkline charts. Remove the tick lines from the axis. Consider the chart’s interpretation by the user to guide this selection.
Area, Bar, Combo, Line, and Scatter Chart Specific Fields
Brush Slider: Not available for Scatter charts, only on Date (Linear Scale) and Date (Date Time Scale) Data Scaling. When checked, this will allow users to zoom in the date / category axis for clearer views.
Min Value: Scatter charts only. Set the minimum value for this axis.
Max Value: Scatter charts only. Set the maximum value for this axis.
Add Anchor: Add a static line across your visualization to mark a goal or comparative point.
- Anchor Value: Choose the numerical value.
- Anchor Color: Select the color from hex values. Consider color contrast with the rest of the data.
- Anchor Line Style: Choose from Small Dash, Medium Dash, Large Dash, and Solid.
Horizontal Bar Chart Specific Fields
Add Highlighted Bar: Click the button to add a highlight to a specific bar. Note that bar highlighting will result in a white bar with a colored outline.
- Value: Select the value from your data with the dropdown.
- Color: Choose a hex color.
- Border Width: Set the border width in pixels.
- Legend Label: Type a label to display in the legend.
Add Anchor: Add a static line across your visualization to mark a goal or comparative point.
- Anchor Value: Choose the numerical value.
- Anchor Color: Select the color from hex values. Consider color contrast with the rest of the data.
- Anchor Line Style: Choose from Small Dash, Medium Dash, Large Dash, and Solid.