At a glance
Common Fields
Add Data Series: Use the dropdown to select the source data you want to display and click the “Add Data Series” button. Repeat for any additional data series you want to display in the chart.
Series Name: Not available for Box charts. Change the display name of the data series wherever it appears in the visualization.
Dynamic Category: Vertical Bar and Horizontal Line charts only. Choose a column that has different categories listed. Based on filters, different categories will display. Note: color categories do not work with this feature.
Series Type: Bump, Combo, and Line charts only. Choose from line, small dash, medium dash, or large dash. Combo charts will also allow you to set bar, area, and forecasting.
Show in Tooltip: Not available for Box, Deviation Bar, Paired Bar, Scatter charts, and Sparklines. Show the data series in the tooltip. It is not recommended to turn this feature off if you have more than one data series.
Rank by Value: Not available for Bar charts. This selection can force the data to display in either ascending or descending order.
Bar, Combo, Horizontal Bar, and Line Specific Fields
Line Weight: Combo and Line charts only. Change the thickness of the series line by pixel.
Series Axis: Combo charts only. Choose if the series charts to the left or right axis.
Series Line Type: Combo and Line charts only. Set the shape of the series line. Options are CurveLinear, CurveCardinal, CurveNatural, CurveMonotoneX, CurveStep, CurveBasis.
Confidence Keys - Upper: Line, Bar, and Horizontal Bar charts only. If your data contains values for Upper confidence values, you can select those here.
Confidence Keys - Lower: Line, Bar and Horizontal Bar charts only. If your data contains values for Lower confidence values, you can select those here.
Add Special Bar/Line: Set up suppression or effects on your chart by clicking this button.
- Type: Suppression
- Add Data Series: Choose the data series that holds the suppression value. Leave blank to associate all occurrences of the value.
- Suppressed Data Value: Type the value of the suppressed data here. It must be an exact match. For the best results, use text to suppress the data in your dataset. Replace suppressed values with "SUP" or "ABC" or something similar, rather than just relying on suppressing by numeric value.
- Suppression Symbol: Not available for Line charts. Choose the symbol to place above bars and in the legend for your suppressed data. Each type of suppressed data should have a unique symbol.
- Hide Suppressed Bar Symbol: Not available for Line charts. Hide the symbol of the suppressed data in the chart. Note that in some cases, the symbol may not appear on the chart due to spacing issues. Consider turning on the Brush Slider or applying a filter if that is the case.
- Suppression Line Style: Not available for Bar and Horizontal Bar charts. Choose the style for the part of the line that is suppressed. Each type of suppressed data should have a unique style.
- Hide Suppressed Line Style: Not available for Bar and Horizontal Bar charts. Hide the style of the suppressed data in the chart.
- Suppressed Data Label: Choose the label for your suppressed data in the legend and tooltip.
- Display in Tooltips: Check to display the suppression information in tooltips.
- Display in Legend: Check to display the suppression information in the legend.
- Display in Table: Check to display the suppression information in the data table.
- Add Data Series: Choose the data series that holds the suppression value. Leave blank to associate all occurrences of the value.
- Type: Effect Only available for line charts.
- Associate to Series: Choose the data series that will display the line effect. Unlike with suppression, this must be selected.
- Column with Configuration Value: Choose the column that holds the value the effect works on. This may be a third column that is not being used to create your chart.
- Value to Trigger: Type the value that will cause the effect to display. This must be an exact match.
- Style: Choose from 3 lines - Dash Small, Dash Medium, Dash Large - or 2 data points - Open Circles, Filled Circles.
- Label: Create a name for the effect for tooltips and legend.
- Associate to Series: Choose the data series that will display the line effect. Unlike with suppression, this must be selected.