What to know
The Release Notes listing the features and key bug fixes in each COVE release by date.
Release Notes
- Brush Filter Functionality
- Brush Slider Issues with Forced Date
- Display decimal points on pie charts
- bar chart as epi graph -- optimization
- Add loading states to drop-downs
- Data Reset Scenario
- World Map, No Data Scenario
- Multi-series Box Plot
- Dashboard Reset Label: When present in the data set shouldn't appear twice
- Stacked Area Chart: Left Axis Min Value default
- Add feature to query parameter which tells app to send data request on load
- Update Maps Gray colors and dark border color
- Confidence Intervals for Line Charts in Mult-Dashboards
- Horizontal Bar Chart Dynamic Data Series
- Confidence Intervals for Multiple Data Series (Bar Chart)
- Label latest tick for date (linear scale) bar charts
- Make filter intro text custom
- Improve mobile data table font sizes
- Improve spacing between map elements
- Improve map territory labels
- Multi-series Box Plot: Data Table Updates
- Always show last month on date-time linear chart
- Decrease Amount of White Space Under New Filter Description
508 Issues and Bug Fixes
- sankey: text display issues
- Scatter plot data table: options for Date / Category Axis not working
- Bar/line charts -- Data Table Display Format doesn't work
- Bar with Data Time Scale -- can't exclude values on date axis
- Lollipop bar style doesn't work with negative numbers
- Horizontal Axis Label Overlapping
- Right Side Legend Defaults
- Default Legend Box for Maps: Change to off for Top and Bottom
- Hidden Filter helper text is showing again
- Multi-Dashboard: Tab Styling
- Cursor on square legends does not change shape
- Patterns missing for territories and freely associated states
- Dashboard Filters - Nested
- No data for territories, freely associated states, and cities show as black
- Hex Maps > DC not showing
- Duplicate dropdown label in dashboard
- Y-Axis Issues on Multiple Data Series Bar Charts w/ CIs
- Y-Axis not responding to max value for line chart
- Unable to disable series highlight in bar chart
- Categorical Axis: Scale is different than the chart
- Custom Color Map Distributions
- Line chart values don't display unless you switch to Bar chart
- Nested Dropdown: cannot add Category to API filter
- Dashboard Filter: 'Used By' Rows assignment issue
- Dashboard: long page load time when no Apply Button.
- Dashboard: Filter Row association not applying query params to requests
- MMRIA issues
- Apply button can be clicked with empty filters
- Automatic Pattern Contrast is not setting for Territories
- Dashboard Filter Used By Label is Missing
- Filter Apply Button Not Functioning
- X-Axis Last tick overflows
- Data is saved in Footnotes
- Brush slider -- start / end dates don't correlate to chart
- Footnotes are showing in Data Reset Scenario
- Dashboard Filter Autoloading Issues
- Parent Filter section labeled incorrectly
- Cessation Issue: Footnotes need to show below Map
- dataURL issue in dashboards
- Multidashboard check is causing an error
- County Map Borders Change Width
- Categorical Map Patterns - Multi-word
- Data Table Display
- Date Support: Option for Reverse Chronological order
- Add the ability to set a min/max value for Scatter Plots.
- Box Plot logic and Labeling improved.
- Alternate to Dynamic Data Series
- COVE Styling – Dropdowns
- Dashboard Markup Include – Now show/hide based on null values
- Text notifying user when API Data call didn't work "There was a problem returning data. Please try again."
- "No Data" Table message when filter selection generates a scenario with no data given selections.
- Download CSV now available for stand-alone built data tables on dashboards
- Improve Mobile legends for Gradient Legends
508 Issues and Bug Fixes
- Issue that was causing duplicated lines in suppressed data.
- Map legend custom sort issue was fixed.
- Visualizations sometimes overlap the data table fixed.
- Editing a Markup Include no longer freezes the page.
- API issue within the URL parameter for Dashboards repaired
- Filter edits now save correctly
- Horizontal Bar Charts no longer overrun Right Legends
- Larger isolated points no longer added while showing open circle
- Combo chart: Adding padding to value axis scale now working
- Dashboard Filters: URL Parameter is no longer one behind the selected value
- Dynamic Data Series now load even if first item is blank
- Memory Leak for Markup Include fixed
- Bar/line charts received a fix for the left positioning of legend
- Legend enhancements for gradient style
- Expand/Collapse Buttons
- Custom colors for patterns, color contrast check support
- Legend enhancements for positioning
- Hidden metholodogy column
- Nested/Data-driven Dropdown + Editor Integration- Data Visualization Level
- Dynamic Data Series
- Please Change Settings Icon for Dashboards
- Add commas to numbers to Markup Include Module
- Standalone Multi-Select Dropdown - editor integration - dashboard-level filter
- Data Suppression Enhancements: Definition Link, Lighter Gray Color Display
- Visualization Filters: Parent Relationship
- Map: TopoJSON Additions
508 Issues and Bug Fixes
- Hidden Filters
- Combo Chart Spills Over Container
- Responsive Ticks Not Available for Paired Bar Chart
- API Dashboard Issues
- Color Code by Category: Broken for vertical bar and lollipop charts
- Multidashboard / API Issue
- Table and chart configuration issues: ARDI AAD reports
- Map Patterns: Label is wrapping in single line legend
- OSH Data: MultiSelect integration issues
- Single State Map: Filter Change - Message when state not available
- Fix missing first grid line
- Annotation Dropdown Not Showing on DFE
- Pie Chart Does Not Display on Dashboard
- Adding filters to tables causing dashboard to crash
- Chart Custom Filter Sort Order Broken
Content Source:
Office of Communications