Documenting Vaccinations at Third-Party Clinics in VAMS


Quick reference guide for clinic administrators and healthcare professionals to document vaccinations at third-party clinics, including backdating vaccination events, bulk uploading past vaccinations, and editing or invalidating vaccination records.

Standard Workflow to Document Vaccinations

Step 1: ‎

Document Prevaccination Actions Are Complete

Roles: Clinic Administrator and Healthcare Professional

Prevaccination actions will vary by clinic but can include things such as screening the recipient for contraindications, providing the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheets, and acquiring authorization, if required. In third-party clinics, clinic administrators have access to recipient PHI (protected health information).

  • Click a Recipient's Name in the Recipient Management table to access their recipient record. After accessing the recipient record from the Recipient Management tab, you will see an alert that indicates whether a recipient's pre-vaccination actions are complete.
    • To update this response to indicate their pre-vaccination actions are complete, click Edit Information in the Recipient Details tab.
    • Enter a Response into the text box under "Have the pre-vaccination actions been completed?", then click Save.

Step 2:‎

Log Vaccine Information
  • On the recipient record, click the Vaccine Administration tab.
  • Click Log Vaccination.
  • Select the vaccine(s) you want to administer as part of this appointment. Options include COVID-19 vaccine, Mpox vaccine, and routine vaccines. Click Continue.
    • If you selected COVID-19 Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination and click Continue.
    • If you selected Mpox Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination and click Continue.
    • If you selected a Routine Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination (if applicable) and click Continue.
  • Using the radio buttons, respond to the question shown on the next screen asking if the vaccine should be administered.
    • If you answer No, the recipient is ineligible for the vaccination at this time.
      • Select a Reason for the unsuccessful administration from the drop-down menu and click Log Vaccination Attempt.
    • If you answer Yes, additional fields will appear for you to continue the vaccination process for the vaccine(s) selected.
  • Select the Manufacturer from the drop-down menu.
    • NOTE: Based on vaccine inventory data already logged in the system, the drop-down selections for the next two fields will be dependent upon the manufacturer you selected.
  • Select a Product from the drop-down menu.
  • Select a UoU (vial) Lot Number.
  • The expiration date will prepopulate and cannot be edited.

Step 3:‎

Select Vaccination Site, Date, and Time
  • After administering the vaccine, log the vaccination by selecting the administration Site, Date, and Time.
  • Indicate if any inventory was wasted during the appointment.
    • If you select Yes, you will see additional fields to detail the inventory that was wasted (e.g., vial, reason, number of doses wasted).
    • If you select No, you will not see additional fields relating to wasted inventory.
  • After logging wasted inventory (if necessary), click Log Vaccine in the bottom right of the screen.
  • Review the vaccination details you entered on the previous page.
  • If everything is correct, click Submit in the bottom right corner of the page.
  • The next page will display a Vaccination Successful message. You can click Back to Portal to return to the homepage, or View Recipient Record to view the recipient's details.

Backdating Vaccination Events

  • If you are not able to log vaccine administration at the time of vaccination (e.g., due to loss of internet connectivity), you can use the Vaccination Date and Time fields to backdate vaccinations.
    • NOTE: VAMS will identify the individual who logs the vaccine in VAMS as the same person who also administered the vaccine. If you want to log a past vaccination on behalf of another healthcare professional, the next section will give you detailed instructions on how to do so.
  • You cannot use these fields to log future dates.
  • If you are logging multiple past vaccination events for one recipient, you must log the patient's first dose of vaccine received before entering the second dose of vaccine.

Record Past Vaccinations on Behalf of Another Healthcare Professional

  • On the Recipient Management tab, select Record Past Vaccination(s), then select Record Individually within VAMS. Click Record Past Vaccinations.
  • Search for the healthcare professional who administered the vaccine by name or email address. This can be your own name or email address if you are recording for yourself.
  • Once you’ve found the correct healthcare professional, select their Name/Email Address, click Search, then click Record Vaccination(s) to access the Choose Recipient and Enter Vaccination Details page.
  • Search for the name of the recipient who received vaccine. When their name populates in the drop-down list, select it. Next click Done.
    • NOTE: In order to record a past vaccination for a recipient, that recipient must be listed on the Recipient Management or Other Recipient list at your clinic. Otherwise, the recipient will not appear on the Choose Recipient page.
      • If there is no record of the recipient completing Pre-vaccination actions within VAMS, you will receive an error message stating that a Pre-vaccination actions must be completed. If this occurs, exit the Vaccine Administration page and complete the necessary pre-vaccination actions before reattempting to log the vaccination.
  • Select the vaccines you want to administer as part of this appointment. Options include COVID-19 vaccine, Mpox vaccine, and routine vaccines. Click Continue.
    • If you selected COVID-19 Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination and click Continue.
    • If you selected Mpox Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination and click Continue.
    • If you selected a Routine Vaccine, select the Dose for this vaccination and click Continue.
  • Using the radio buttons, respond to the question shown on the next screen asking if the vaccine should be administered.
    • If you answer No, the recipient is ineligible for the vaccination at this time.
      • Select a Reason for the unsuccessful administration from the drop-down menu and click Log Vaccination Attempt.
    • If you answer Yes, additional fields will appear for you to continue the vaccination process for the vaccine(s) selected.
  • Enter the Vaccination Details, following the same steps as the standard Log Vaccination process (reference Standard Workflow to Document Vaccinations earlier in this Quick Reference Guide).

Bulk Upload Past Vaccinations

Healthcare professionals can bulk upload vaccinations that occurred at their clinic but were not recorded at the time of vaccination.

  • On the Recipient Management tab, click Record Past Vaccination(s).
  • Select Import a Template for Bulk Vaccination.
  • Select the Type of Vaccine for your bulk upload.
  • Click the Bulk Vaccination Upload Template hyperlink on the screen to download the latest version of the template.
  • Click the Export Recipients button. In the pop-up window, enter the Date Range and Doses required for recipient appointments that you want to export, then click Export.
  • Copy and paste the contents of the recipient export file into the Bulk Vaccination Upload Template. This template has the same first 11 columns as the export template to allow for a simple copy and paste of these data.
  • In the remaining columns of the bulk upload template, use the cell drop-down options and enter data to complete the recipients' vaccination records. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Save the file as a CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (.csv) file. Upload the populated Bulk Vaccination Upload Template.
  • On the Record Past Vaccination(s) page, click the Upload Files link to upload the populated Bulk Vaccination Upload Template into VAMS.
  • To view your bulk upload, click the Data Imports tab.
  • On the Vaccination Import list view, select the Hyperlinked Import ID to view the import file and a results log, which you can download to view the upload status for each recipient vaccination record.
  • NOTE: You can only bulk upload past vaccinations administered by healthcare professional already added to your clinic, for recipients already added to your clinic, using inventory already logged at your clinic.

Track Vaccine Recipients’ Next-Dose Eligibility

Roles: Clinic Administrators and Healthcare Professionals

  • Navigate to the Recipient Management tab.
  • Review the recipient list.
  • Review the COVID-19 Vaccine Status column.
  • Review the Follow-Up Vaccination Date column. The recipient is eligible for their next dose of COVID-19 vaccine on the date in the Follow-up Vaccination Datecolumn (this is only applicable for primary vaccine series, not for additional or booster doses). The vaccine data entered in the system determine the date the recipient is eligible to receive their next dose, but this will not prevent a recipient from receiving their vaccine before that date.

Search, Edit, or Invalidate Past Vaccination Records

Search for Past Vaccination Records

  • On the Recipient Managementor Other Recipients tab, select the Name of the recipient you want to review.
  • Once in the Recipient Record, navigate to the Vaccine Administration tab.
  • On this tab, you can view information on any vaccine(s) administered to the recipient.
  • Click the View Record link on the right side of the Vaccines Administered table for a detailed view of the administered vaccine.

Edit Past Vaccination Records

  • To edit the vaccination record, click Edit Record on the recipient's Vaccination Record Details page.
  • Update any information you need to edit, then select a Reason for record update from the drop-down menu in the pop-up window and click Save.

Invalidate Past Vaccination Records

In addition to editing the vaccination record, you can also invalidate vaccination records that were entered in error from the Vaccination Records Details page.

  • To invalidate a vaccination record, click Invalidate Record at the top of the Vaccination Record Details page.
  • Select a Reason for record invalidation from the drop-down menu, then click Invalidate Record.
  • NOTE: Recipients have one vaccination record for each dose received. You can only edit/invalidated vaccination records for doses administered at your clinic.

VAMS Help Desk Contact Information

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Toll-Free Number | +1 833-748-1979


Hours of Operation | 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST | Monday – Friday