Clinic Scheduling Stand-Alone Functionality

At a glance

Front Desk Users at scheduling stand-alone clinics can manage appointment status for recipients who have scheduled appointments. However, these clinics do not have vaccination logging capabilities. Clinics using the VAMS stand-alone scheduling feature should record administered vaccinations in their electronic health record system or jurisdiction IIS.

Appointment Status Column

  • Select the Recipient Check-in A new column in the appointments table called Appointment Status will be present at scheduling stand-alone clinics and will display the appointment status i.e., Scheduled, Checked-in, Completed, or Canceled.
    • The Appointment Status column will reflect any appointment modifications made by clinic front desk users (i.e., check-ins, reschedules, or cancellations).
    • If no modifications are made to an appointment, the appointment will be marked Completed 24 hours after the scheduled start time of the appointment.
  • Completed appointments can be viewed by filtering the appointment table by selecting Completed from the drop-down menu at the top left of the appointments table.

Pre-vaccination questionnaire

Healthcare professionals at scheduling stand-alone clinics can complete the pre-vaccination questionnaire on behalf of their recipients in or outside of VAMS.

  • From the Recipient Management tab, select the desired hyperlinked Recipient Name in the Name column of the checked-in appointments column.
  • Healthcare professionals can complete the pre-vaccination questionnaire in VAMS or record that it has been completed outside of VAMS
    • Select the Start Pre-vaccination Questionnaire in VAMS button in the Pre-vaccination Questionnaire tab to complete the pre-vaccination questionnaire in VAMS. Complete pre-vaccination questionnaire and confirm information is accurate by checking Box at bottom of page and select Submit.
    • Select the e Record that Pre-vaccination Questionnaire was completed outside of VAMS and select Confirm to record that a pre-vaccination questionnaire was completed outside of VAMS.

Appointment Communication

  • Recipients whose appointments have been scheduled in VAMS will automatically receive the necessary follow-up communications from VAMS when their appointment is confirmed.
  • Recipients may receive one of the following communications from VAMS regarding their appointment.
    • Appointment Confirmation
    • Appointment Cancellation
    • Rescheduling an existing appointment
    • Pre-Vaccination Questionnaire
    • EUA Fact Sheet
    • Vaccine Fact Sheet (Influenza vaccine recipients only)


  • All appointments will be closed and marked complete 24 hours after the scheduled start time of the appointment and will show as completed in the Appointment Status column.
    • Recipients will receive necessary communication from VAMS following their appointment being marked completed.
  • If a clinic is set up as scheduling clinic, VAMS will flag the clinic as scheduling only and vaccinations will not be permitted at the clinic location.
  • Vaccination logging functionality will not be permitted at scheduling only clinics.

VAMS Help Desk Contact Information‎

For additional support, complete the contact form for the VAMS Help Desk.

Toll-Free Number | +1 833-748-1970


Hours of Operation | 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST | Monday – Friday