Vaginal and Vulvar Cancer Basics

Key points

  • Vaginal cancer is a disease in which cells in the vagina grow out of control.
  • Vulvar cancer is a disease in which cells in the vulva grow out of control.
  • Vaginal and vulvar cancers are very rare.
a mother and her daughter

What it is

Vaginal cancer is a disease in which cells in the vagina grow out of control. The vagina, also called the birth canal, is the hollow, tube-like channel between the bottom of the uterus and the outside of the body.

Vulvar cancer is a disease in which cells in the vulva grow out of control. The vulva is the outer part of the female genital organs. It has two folds of skin, called the labia. Vulvar cancer most often occurs on the inner edges of the labia.

Vaginal and vulvar cancers are very rare. Together, they account for about 7% of all gynecologic cancers diagnosed in the United States.

Medical illustration of a woman's reproductive system
This diagram shows different parts of the female reproductive system.

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