
What to know

This page provides population coverage by diagnosis year and data dictionaries for the U.S. Cancer Statistics public use database.


The United States Cancer Statistics public use database for 2001–2021:

  • Includes race and ethnicity variables.
  • Does not include Puerto Rico data, which are available upon special request.
  • The population denominators are county-level intercensal estimates (for July 1, 2001–2009, July 1, 2010–2019) and vintage 2022 postcensal estimates (for July 1, 2020–2022) by age, sex, bridged race, and ethnicity, aggregated to the state and national levels.

Population coverage by diagnosis year

  • In 2001 and 2002, cases that were diagnosed in Mississippi are not available. The U.S. population covered for 2001 and 2002 is 99.0%.
  • For cases diagnosed from 2003 through 2017, 100% of the population is covered for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
  • In 2020 and 2021, cases that were diagnosed in Indiana and Nevada are not available. The U.S. population covered for 2020 and 2021 is 98.0%.
  • The U.S. population coverage for 2001 through 2021 is 99.6%.

U.S. and Puerto Rico public use database

A database including U.S. and Puerto Rico data is no longer released publicly. If you would like to analyze data from Puerto Rico, please contact us at For information on the previously released U.S. and Puerto Rico database, please review the U.S. Cancer Statistics 2005–2020 Public Use Database Data Standards and Data Dictionary.