Tuberculosis Survivors Share How it Felt to be Diagnosed with TB Disease

At a glance

In this video, Preeni, Taylor, and Renee share how they felt when they were diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) disease.

Screenshot of Renee, a TB survivor


It took a long time before health care providers diagnosed Preeni with TB disease. Eventually she was diagnosed with TB disease in her lymph nodes.

After weeks of uncertainty, Preeni felt relieved to finally know what was going on with her body and to learn how best to treat her TB disease.


Taylor was diagnosed with pneumonia, HIV, and TB disease at the same time. She remembers feeling very scared and thought she was going to die.

Staff at the TB clinic were very supportive and helped Taylor focus on getting better.


Renee's health care provider diagnosed her with pneumonia. After taking medication, Renee told her health care provider she was still having night sweats and losing weight, which are common symptoms of TB disease.

Her health care provider ordered additional tests and diagnosed Renee with TB disease. Renee was shocked by the diagnosis and initially had a hard time processing information from her health care provider. Gradually she began to understand more about her diagnosis and treatment plan to cure her TB disease.


We are TB, and Somos TB (for Spanish-speakers), is a community of TB survivors, people being treated for TB, and their family members, committed to the common goal of eliminating TB. The group provides comprehensive peer support for current TB patients and TB clinics.

Advice for People Recently Diagnosed with Tuberculosis Disease