Funding by Topic Area

At a glance

This funding page provides details on the top funded health topic areas allocated by recipients based on their priority public health needs. Currently, these data are only available for FY2020.

Funding Overview

For Fiscal Year 2020, PHHS Block Grant recipients received a total of $149,098,135 in funding. Of this funding, $131,668,884 is allocated by recipients to health topic areas based on their priority public health needs. In addition, Congress legislatively mandated $7,000,000 for sexual violence/rape prevention activities. The remaining amount, $10,429,251, is used for recipient administrative costs.


The following table and bar chart provide details on the top funded health topic areas.

The total Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Funding Allocation for fiscal year 2020 is $149,098,135. There are thirteen bar lines in the graph that show how much funding is allocated to the top ten health topic areas, a grouping of the remaining health topic areas, recipient administrative costs, and the sex offense set aside (or sexual violence and rape prevention) health topic area. The bar lines and funding allocation totals for fiscal year 2020 include: $40,103,361 for public health infrastructure; $22,790,725 for educational and community-based programs; $9,491,283 for nutrition and weight status; $8,363,315 for injury and violence prevention; $4,921,899 for immunization and infectious diseases; $4,608,117 for heart disease and stroke; $3,882,662 for maternal, infant, and child health; $3,778,036 for diabetes $3,632,463 for emergency medical services; $3,322,519 for health communication and health information technology; $26,774,504 other health topic areas funding; $10,429,251 for recipient administrative costs; and $7,000,000 sex offense-set aside (sexual violence and rape prevention).
FY20 Block Grant Recipient Funding Allocations Chart totaling $149, 098,135.
Funding by Topic: Funding Allocation 2020
Funding Category FY 2020 Amount % of TRAHTAF1 % of TRF2
Recipient-Allocated Health Topic Area (HTA)
Public Health Infrastructure $40,103,361 30.5% 26.9%
Educational and Community-Based Programs $22,790,725 17.3% 15.3%
Nutrition and Weight Status $9,491,283 7.2% 6.4%
Injury and Violence Prevention $8,363,315 6.4% 5.6%
Immunization and Infectious Diseases $4,921,899 3.7% 3.3%
Heart Disease and Stroke $4,608,117 3.5% 3.1%
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health $3,882,662 2.9% 2.6%
Diabetes $3,778,036 2.9% 2.5%
Emergency Medical Services $3,632,463 2.8% 2.4%
Health Communication and Health Information Technology $3,322,519 2.5% 2.2%
Total Top 10 HTA Funding $104,894,380 79.7% 70.4%
Total Other HTA Funding $26,774,504 20.3% 18.0%
Total Recipient-Allocated HTA Funding (TRAHTAF) $131,668,884 100.0% 88.3%
Sex Offense Set Aside (Sexual Violence/Rape Prevention)* $7,000,000 4.8%
Recipient Administrative Costs $10,429,251 7.0%
Total Recipient Funding (TRF) $149,098,135 100.0%

1Total Recipient-Allocated Health Topic Area Funding
2Total Recipient Funding
*Includes sex offense allocation of $7 million authorized by legislation to be used for sex offense prevention and victim services. Also includes additional funding allocated by recipients toward Healthy People 2020 objective IVP-40 (reduce sexual violence).

National Allocation of Funds by Healthy People 2020  Topic Area

Fiscal Year 2019 Allocation by Healthy Topic
National Allocation of Funds by Healthy People 2020 Topic Area Totals
Public Health Infrastructure $40,103,361
Educational and Community-Based Programs $22,790,725
Nutrition and Weight Status $9,491,283
Injury and Violence Prevention $8,363,315
Immunization and Infectious Diseases $4,921,899
Heart Disease and Stroke $4,608,117
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health $3,882,662
Diabetes $3,778,036
Emergency Medical Services $3,632,463
Health Communication and Health Information Technology $3,322,519
Oral Health $3,242,086
Food Safety $3,039,093
Environmental Health $3,027,235
Physical Activity $2,829,460
Access to Health Services $2,062,665
Cancer $1,772,133
Rape or Attempted Rape $1,469,506
Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders $1,372,462
Respiratory Diseases $1,279,889
Mental Health and Mental Disorders $1,115,471
Sexually Transmitted Diseases $1,008,129
Occupational Safety and Health $956,928
Tobacco Use $944,929
Preparedness $840,568
Older Adults $457,950
Genomics $215,781
Family Planning $200,000
Adolescent Health $185,000
Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions $183,234
Early and Middle Childhood $180,933
HIV $167,598
Dementias, Including Alzheimer’s Disease $127,000
Healthcare-Associated Infections $50,000
Substance Abuse $31,454
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health $10,000
Disability and Health $5,000
Discretionary Funding Total $131,668,884

The data

Data presented on this page were self-reported by recipients to CDC via the Block Grant Management Information System (BGMIS). These data represent recipient intentions for expending PHHS Block Grant Program funds as reflected in recipient work plans as of September 30, 2020. Data do not necessarily indicate how funds are spent, nor do they reflect changes in funding allocations submitted to CDC after September 30, 2020.