Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Evaluation

Key points

  • CDC is conducting an ongoing evaluation of the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.
  • The evaluation shows that the PHHS Block grant is supporting vital public health activities.
PHHS Block Grant Key Evaluation Findings Graphic


CDC's National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce is conducting an ongoing evaluation of the Public Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant Program.

The evaluation assesses the grant's value (i.e., its benefits and contributions) and describes and measures select outputs and outcomes, with the aim of strengthening performance and accountability. The evaluation assesses the grant as a whole—not individual recipient activities or outcomes. The evaluation seeks to answer two overarching questions:

  1. How does the PHHS Block Grant support recipients in addressing their jurisdictions' prioritized public health needs related to Healthy People 2030 objectives?
  2. How does the PHHS Block Grant contribute toward the achievement of organizational-, systems-, and health-related outcomes?

The evaluation consists of several key activities, including implementing a measurement framework to assess recipient achievements, analyzing recipient allocation of funding to Healthy People 2030 objectives, and exploring the relationship between PHHS Block Grant funding and health outcomes.

Key Findings

CDC assessments show that the PHHS Block Grant is supporting vital public health activities in recipients' jurisdictions.

Collectively recipients are using their funds to—

  • Improve the ability to collect essential data
  • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, programs, and services
  • Address emerging public health needs or problems in their jurisdictions
  • Implement public health interventions that are known to work

Evaluation Findings

Note: These evaluations are conducted every two years. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there was a delay with the 2021 evaluation, and it was performed in 2022.

Evaluation Reports & Executive Summaries

Using PHHS Block Grant Funds to Address Health Equity‎

CDC, in partnership with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, conducted a new study to learn how PHHS Block Grant recipients use funds to improve social determinants of health and health equity [PDF – 535 KB] within their jurisdictions.

Measurement Framework

A key component of the evaluation is the PHHS Block Grant Measurement Framework [PDF – 727 KB]. The framework is an innovative measurement approach that allows for:

  • More standardized data collection
  • Aggregation of health department outputs, outcomes, and achievements
  • Tracking of grant funds
Measurement Framework Graphic / Largest, Outer Circle: Results. Emerging needs addressed, Public health infrastructure improved, and Evidence-based public health practiced. Outcomes of the grant resulting from successful use of PHHS Block Grant funds / Middle Circle: Use of Funds. Maintain existing public health efforts, Enhance or expand existing public health efforts, Initiate new public health efforts, and Sustain or restore public health efforts. Grantees use PHHS Block Grant funds to address their prioritized public health needs. / Small, Center Circle: Flexibility. .... to address public health needs. Grantee' ability to identify, prioritize, and address their public health needs.
PHHS Block Grant Evaluation Measurement Framework

The framework consists of four key measures:

  1. Improvement of information systems to collect public health data
  2. Improvement in efficiency of operations, programs, or services
  3. Emerging public health needs addressed
  4. Evidence-based public health interventions implemented


Lamia TL, Lowry GF, McLees AW, Frazier CM, Young CF. Improving Outcome Accountability of Block Grants: Lessons Learned from the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Evaluation. Am J Eval. 2020 Oct 14; 42(2): 185-200.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Flexible Funding to Support Public Health Innovation. 2022 Aug 15. Retrieved from