AI/AN Resources

The following is a list of select NIOSH products related to American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) workers. You will also find relevant documents from external organizations and related links. For a complete listing of NIOSH publications click here.

NIOSH Publications

A Review of Occupational Safety and Health Research for American Indians and Alaska Natives
To better understand what is known about issues affecting American Indian and Alaska Native workers, authors conducted a literature review of publications specific to AI/AN and occupational safety and health.

American Indian and Alaska Native Worker Safety and Health Strategic Plan
The American Indian and Alaska Native Worker Safety and Health Strategic Plan serves as a guide for the nation to develop research and outreach activities to prevent injuries, illnesses, and fatalities to American Indian and Alaska Native workers.

Preventing suicidal behavior among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents and young adults.
In this topical review, we describe school-based educational efforts that are driven by local AI/AN communities, such as the American Indian Life Skills curriculum, that teach stress and coping skills and show promise in reducing suicidal ideation attempts and fatalities among AI/AN adolescents.

NIOSH Science Blog: Partnering to Promote Workplace Safety and Health in Tribal Communities
This blog provides an overview of NIOSH’s American Indian and Alaska Native Initiative and outreach activities.

Occupational Health Equity Program, NIOSH Publication No. 2019-168
The NIOSH Occupational Health Equity Program seeks to promote health equity in disease incidence, injury, mental illness, and morbidity and mortality that are closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage.

Enhancing the Well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native Workers Video Series

This video series highlights the importance of worker safety and health in tribal communities.

External Resources

Selected Tribal Laws Related to Occupational Safety and Health
American Indian and Alaska Native tribes are sovereign nations that maintain a government to government relationship with the United States. This document offers examples of selected tribal laws related to occupational safety and health.