State Surveillance for Silicosis

At a glance

The following states were funded by NIOSH during the 2021–2026 State-Based Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program funding cycle for case-based silicosis surveillance.

Silicosis states

Hospital discharge data represent the primary ascertainment source. Other data sources include:

  • Health care professional reports
  • Emergency department visit data
  • Review of death certificates
  • Workers' compensation data

Demographics, work history, and medical information are used for case confirmation. They are obtained through a combination of the initial case ascertainment source, a review of medical records, and follow-up telephone interview with the reported cases or their surviving next-of-kin.

State surveillance guidelines

Recommended guidelines for identifying and reporting actual or suspected cases of work-related silicosis can be found on the Silicosis Reporting Guidelines page.


Occupational health indicator data from states and, where available, the United States from 2000 through 2017. Two indicators relate to silicosis, Indicator #9: Hospitalizations from or with Pneumoconiosis and Indicator #10: Mortality from or with Pneumoconiosis.

Formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Safety Data Sheets (SDS) include information on chemical, environmental, and health hazards. Employees can request an SDS from their employers.

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NIOSHTIC-2 is a searchable bibliographic database of occupational safety and health publications, documents, grant reports and journal articles supported in whole or in part by NIOSH.

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