NIOSH-Approved N100 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

NIOSH-Approved N100 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

This list is reviewed and updated weekly.

The N100 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 99.97% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil.

Disclaimer: The links in this section go to websites outside of CDC/NIOSH and should not be considered as an endorsement of their content, or as a statement of NIOSH policy. The donning procedure and/or user instruction, either on the websites or the PDF version, should not be considered an official endorsement of their content, or as a statement of NIOSH policy.

Notice – Effective Immediately — Donning Procedures or User Instructions provided by the Approval Holder or Private Label Entity will no longer be added to this list.

For your filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) to work as effectively as possible, you must wear it correctly. This includes the process of putting it on (donning) and taking it off (doffing).

For donning instructions specific to the make and model of FFR you are using, see the donning instructions provided with, or on the packaging of, your respirator. If you do not have access to these instructions, please see the respirator approval holder (manufacturer) or private label entity website or contact the approval holder directly.  For generalized donning instructions, View How To Wear Your Filtering Facepiece Respirator.

NIOSH-Approved N100 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators
Supplier/Manufacturer and Contact Information Model Number/
Product Line
Approval Number Valve
Manufacturer’s Donning Procedure User Instructions
3M Company
888-3M HELPS or web form
(Distribution availability for all products listed for 3M Company)
8233 84A-1298 Yes 8233 [PDF – 457 KB]
Air Filtration Solutions Ltd.
44 (0) 1772 790820 (UK)
F12.1.001 DISPOSABLE 84A-9403 No F12.1.001 [PDF – 763 KB]
Gateway Safety, Inc. [*M]
80502V 84A-6850 Yes 80502V [PDF – 478 KB]
Jinfuyu Industrial Company, Ltd.
4101 84A-6850 Yes 4101 [PDF – 586 KB]
Libus of Buenos Aires, Argentina [*M]
4780 84A-6850 Yes 4780 [PDF – 586 KB]
Louis M. Gerson, Company
(Distribution availability for all products listed for Louis M. Gerson, Company)
2180 84A-5035 Yes 2180 [PDF – 261 KB]
Louis M. Gerson, Company
2181 84A-5035 Yes 2181 [PDF – 261 KB]
Louis M. Gerson, Company
2185 84A-5035 Yes 2185 [PDF – 261 KB]
Moldex-Metric, Inc.
84A-3143 Yes All Models [PDF – 115 KB]
Moldex-Metric, Inc.
84A-6963 Yes All Models [PDF – 623 KB]
Parcil Safety [*AO]
DR0104 84A-9243 No DR0104 [PDF – 474 KB]
Prosafe Systems [*M]
SV233 84A-6850 Yes SV233 [PDF – 263 KB]
Safety Works, LLC [*A]
2180 84A-5035 Yes 2180 [PDF – 261 KB]
Shenyang Baianda Safety Co., Ltd.
EF600 84A-9243 No EF600 [PDF – 169 KB]
Trend Routing Technology, Inc. [*AH]
44 (0) 1772 790820 (UK)
F01.1.010 (Sm/Md)
F01.1.012 (Md Lg)
84A-8123 Yes All models [PDF – 2 MB]
Notes Company Phone Number
*A Private label of Louis M. Gerson Company, Inc. 800-225-8623
*AH Private label of Air Filtration Solutions, Ltd. 44 (0) 1772 790820 (UK)
*AO Private label of Shenyang Baianda Safety Co., Ltd. 86-24-23412309
*M Private Label of Jinfuyu Industrial Company, Ltd. 886-2-2690-2271