Commercial Fishing

Commercial Fishing Safety: West Coast

At a glance

During the 20-year period 2000–2019, 141 deaths due to traumatic injury occurred in West Coast fisheries. While year-to-year fluctuations occurred, the annual number of fatalities has generally declined over these two decades.

An image with a Dungeness crab vessel loaded with pots in the foreground and the Yaquina Bay Bridge in the background. Photo by NIOSH

Trends in West Coast Commercial Fishing Fatalities, 2000-2019

Annual Average of Fatalities on the West Coast by Decade
Decade Annual Average
2000-2009 8.5
2010-2019 5.6

Quick Stats

During 2000-2019, 141 Fishing Industry Workers Died on the West Coast.

Types of Incidents Causing Fatalities

  • Vessel Disaster (90, 64%)
  • Fall Overboard (31, 22%)
  • Onboard Fatality (9, 6%)
  • Diving Fatality (8, 6%)
  • Onshore Fatality (3, 2%)

Top Three Causes of Death

  • Drowning (126, 89%)
  • Blunt Force Trauma (6, 4%)
  • Embolism (3, 2%)

Fisheries with the Most Fatalities

  • Dungeness Crab (44, 31%)
  • Salmon Setnet (17, 12%)