NIOSH Extramural Research and Training

Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report

At a glance

This page provides information about NIOSH's extramural awards in fiscal year (FY) 2022.

Three images of workers in front of abstract art

NIOSH extramural grant distribution

NIOSH Extramural Grant Distribution pie chart
The majority of funding in FY 2023 went to multidisciplinary centers.

Multidisciplinary centers received $67.6 million dollars (63.3%). This category includes:

Cooperative research agreements received $12.3 million dollars (11.5%). This category includes:

Research and career development received $15.8 million dollars (14.8%). This category is also sometimes called investigator-initiated research.

Small Business Innovation Research grants received $3.2 million dollars (3.0%). This is a special subset of grants for small businesses.

Specialty training programs received $7.9 million dollars (7.4%)

Overall success rates for research grants

NIOSH tracks the success rates for investigator-initiated grant applications (R01, R03, R21). See success rates for a full data table.

Chart showing the success rate in fiscal year 2022 was 8%, lower than recent years.
The success rate was 8% in FY 2022.

Research funding by sector program

NIOSH uses the 10 sector programs from the National Occupational Research Agenda as an organizing structure. The chart below shows the sector categories for research grants funded in FY 2022.

Research Funding by Sector Program graph
The greatest amount of funding ($4.6 million) related to the Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector.

  • HSA= Healthcare and Social Assistance ($4.6 million)
  • AFF= Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing ($3.2 million)
  • ALL= All Sectors ($2.8 million)
  • MNF= Manufacturing ($1.2 million)
  • CON= Construction ($1.2 million)
  • TWU= Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities ($1.1 million)
  • PSS= Public Safety ($1.1 million)
  • WRT= Wholesale and Retail Trade ($0.2 million)
  • MIN= Mining ($0.2 million)
  • SRV= Services ($0.1 million)
  • OGE= Oil and Gas Extraction ($0.0 million)

NIOSH-supported occupational safety and health graduates

The table below lists the graduates from Education and Research Centers (ERCs) and Training Project Grants (TPGs).

Summary of all awards by funding type

Summary of All Awards by Type of Funding in FY2022
Award Category Award Name Award Mechanism Number of Awards Funding
Multidisciplinary Centers 41 $67,573,412
Education and Research Centers Training Grant (T42) 18 $30,345,061
Agriculture Safety and Health Centers Cooperative Research Agreement (U54) 12 $18,757,015
National Center for Construction Research & Training Cooperative Research Agreement (U60) 1 $5,750,000
Centers of Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce Cooperative Research Agreement (U19) 10 $12,721,336
Investigator-Initiated Research Grants 53 $15,794,625
Research Grants Investigator Initiated (R01, R03, R21, R13, U13) 44 $14,550,821
National Robotics Initiative Intra-Agency Research Grant Agreements 2 $487,972
Career Developmental Research Mentored Career Scientist (K01) 7 $755,832
Other Research (Cooperative Agreements) 29 $12,315,013
Surveillance Cooperative Research Agreement (U60) 23 $7,209,081
Underground Mine Evacuation Technologies and Human Factors Research Cooperative Research Agreement (U60) 2 $2,916,282
Mesothelioma Tissue Bank Cooperative Research Agreement (U24) 1 $1,054,341
Commercial Fishing Occupational Safety Research Cooperative Research Agreement (U01) 2 $1,130,309
Occupational Safety & Health Surveillance Collaboration, Education & Translation Cooperative Research Agreement (U24) 1 $5,000
Specialty Training Programs 33 $7,901,347
Training Project Grants  T03 28 $5,087,714
Miner Safety and Health Training Program Cooperative Research Agreement (U60) 2 $970,003
Commercial Fishing Occupational Safety Training T03 3 $1,843,630
Small Business Innovation Research 10 $3,215,273
Small Business Innovation Research Phase I (R43) & Phase II (R44) 10 $3,215,273
Total Extramural Funding 166 $106,799,670