Research Grant Funding

Key points

  • NIOSH funds four types of research grants (R01, R03, R21, and K01).
  • We accept applications three times per year.
  • We encourage researchers to develop their proposed research around NIOSH's priority goals.
Closeup of entry for the word research in dictionary


NIOSH funds many types of research. This includes:

  • Identification and investigation of the relationships between unsafe working conditions and associated occupational diseases and injuries;
  • Development of more sensitive means of evaluating hazards at work sites;
  • Development of strategies for measuring early markers of adverse health effects and injuries;
  • Development of new protective equipment and engineering control technology to lower work-related illnesses and injuries;
  • Development of work practices that lower the risks of occupational hazards; and
  • Evaluation of the technical feasibility or application of a new or improved occupational safety and health procedure, method, technique, or system.

Funding by category

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The purpose of NIOSH Occupational Safety and Health Research Grant Program, (RO1) to support discrete, specified, circumscribed projects in scientific areas that represent the investigators specific interests and competencies and fall within the mission of NIOSH and to

  • Understand the risks and conditions that are associated with occupational diseases and injuries.
  • Explore strategies for lowering risks and for preventing or minimizing exposure to unsafe conditions in the workplace.
  • Translate significant scientific findings into prevention practices and products that will effectively lower work-related illnesses and injuries.

We prioritize funding research applications that specifically focus on the priority goals listed in the NIOSH Strategic Plan.

The purpose of the NIOSH Small Research Grant Program, (R03) is to

  • Develop an understanding of the risks and conditions associated with occupational diseases and injuries,
  • Explore methods for lowering risks and preventing or minimizing exposure to unsafe conditions in the workplace,
  • Translate significant scientific findings into prevention practices and products that will effectively lower work-related illnesses and injuries.

The NIOSH R03 grant program funds occupational safety and health research projects that can be completed with limited resources, such as pilot and feasibility studies, secondary data analysis, or development of research methods.

We prioritize funding research applications that specifically focus on the priority goals in the NIOSH Strategic Plan.

The purpose of the NIOSH Exploratory Grant Program (R21) is to

  • Develop an understanding of the risks and conditions associated with occupational diseases and injuries,
  • Explore strategies for reducing risks and preventing or minimizing exposure to unsafe conditions in the workplace,
  • Translate significant scientific findings into prevention practices and products that will effectively lower work-related illnesses and injuries.

The NIOSH R21 support exploratory and developmental research projects that identifies and addresses novel scientific ideas or new model systems, tools, or technologies with the potential for significant impact on occupational safety and health.

Research applications for the R21 grant program should describe research distinct from the research supported through the R01 grant program. Applications with limited cost or scope that use widely accepted approaches and techniques within well-established fields are better suited for the R03 small grant mechanism.

We prioritize funding research applications that specifically focus on the priority goals in the NIOSH Strategic Plan.

The purpose of the NIOSH Mentored Research Scientist Development Grant Program, (K01) is to

  • Help ensure the availability of an adequate number of highly trained scientists and educators to address critical occupational safety and health issues,
  • Provide support and 75% protected time for an intensive, supervised (mentored) career development experience in occupational health and safety research leading to research independence.

Research training supported by this grant program may include a wide range of training modalities reflecting the diverse approaches needed to effectively address occupational safety and health problems effectively.

We prioritize funding research applications that specifically focus on the priority goals in the NIOSH Strategic Plan.

Laboratory scientist looking into petri dish, surrounded by lab supplies
NOSH supports research at different phases of development.

Ongoing funding opportunities

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide to Grants and Contracts publishes the announcements listed below. Each announcement specifies the research priorities, type of grant activity supported, and information needed to submit a grant application. We accept applications three times per year on standard due dates.


Laboratory scientist looking into petri dish, surrounded by lab supplies
Researchers are encouraged to address the priorities in the NIOSH Strategic Plan.

NIOSH has identified research priorities in its strategic plan. NIOSH Sector and Cross-Sector programs have identified priority goals for extramural research to fill important research gaps. The priority goals focus on topics that NIOSH intramural research projects are not focusing on. Researchers should consider developing their research concept around one or more priority goals. We encourage researchers to identify priority goals for extramural research as part of their application.

Researchers may also want to consider research gaps developed by other NIOSH programs:


Learn more by viewing the Selecting Goals for NIOSH Research Proposals webinar recording.

Funding data

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