What to know
- Find data files and documentation for Rapid Surveys System Round 2 on this page.
- Round 2 health topics include ADHD, chronic pain, contraception use, fit testing of hearing protection devices, illegal drugs and naloxone awareness, online connectedness, swimming, and technology-facilitated sexual violence.

Round 2 topics
- Chronic Pain
- Contraception Use
- Fit Testing of Hearing Protection Devices
- Illegal Drugs and Naloxone (Narcan) Awareness
- Online Connectedness
- Swimming
- Technology-facilitated Sexual Violence
Data Files
Restricted-use data
Access restricted data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Rapid Surveys Round 2 in the NCHS Research Data Center.
Cognitive interviewing report
Cognitive interviewing is a popular research method used to evaluate survey questions. This technique provides a detailed picture of the meanings and processes respondents use to answer questions.