Rapid Surveys Datasets and Documentation


  • The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) publicly releases Rapid Surveys data files and supporting documentation.
  • Providing these resources allows researchers to do their own analyses of Rapid Surveys data.
  • Find data files and documentation for each NCHS Rapid Surveys System round in this section of the website.
The RSS logo shows four stylized orange data bars turned sideways and the words NCHS Rapid Surveys System

Data Files and Documentation

Public health data are collected several times a year via the NCHS Rapid Surveys System. Rapid Surveys data span diverse health topics because different questions are asked anytime a new survey is conducted. Survey topics and questions are determined by CDC's information needs at the time. This design makes Rapid Surveys a valuable tool for collecting data that can be used for knowledge, action, and impact.

Explore the links below to access the Rapid Surveys data and documentation. For a list of topics included in each round, please see the Topic by Round Lookup Table. Certain rounds or topic areas of Rapid Surveys are included for methodological research purposes. In those cases, estimates are not publicly released.