National Vital Statistics System

40. Is the infant being breastfed at discharge?

Category: Newborn Information

BC # 58

Definitions, Instructions, Sources, Keywords and Abbreviations

Information on whether the infant was receiving breastmilk or colostrum during the period between birth and discharge from the hospital.

Breastfeeding refers to the establishment of breastmilk through the action of breastfeeding or pumping (expressing).

Include any attempt to establish breastmilk production during the period between birth and discharge from the hospital.

Include if the infant received formula in addition to being breastfed.

Does not include the intent to breastfeed.

Instructions Check “yes” if the infant was breastfed or received breast milk (including donor milk) at any time before being discharged from the hospital.

Check “no” if the infant was not breastfed or did not receive breast milk before being discharged from the hospital.


1st  Labor and delivery summary record under – Infant data

2nd  Maternal progress note

3rd  Newborn flow record under – Feeding

4th  Lactation consult

Keywords and Abbreviations


Lactation consultation

LATCH score (Latch on, Audible swallow, Type of nipple, Comfort, and Help – used to measure position and attachment of the baby on the breast)

Breast pump

Breast pump protocol

Breast milk

MM – Mother’s milk

FBM – Fresh breast milk

Attempt to breastfeed

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