National Vital Statistics System

27. Method of delivery

Method of delivery

Category: Labor and Delivery

BC # 46

FDFWS # 23

FDR # 38

Definitions, Instructions, Sources, Keywords and Abbreviations
Definitions The physical process by which the complete delivery of the fetus was affected.
Instructions Complete sections C and D.
Sources See below
Keywords and Abbreviations

See below

C. Fetal presentation at birth

Cephalic presenting part of the fetus listed as vertex, occiput anterior (OA), or occiput posterior (OP).

Breech– presenting part of the fetus listed as breech, complete breech, frank breech, or footling breech.

Other – any other presentation not listed above.


Check one of the three boxes.

Check only the final presentation at birth.

Sources 1st  Delivery record under – Fetal birth presentation
Keywords and Abbreviations


  • Vertex–OA, OP, LOA, ROA,
  • Face—LMA, LMT, LMP , RMA,
    RMP, RMT
  • Brow
  • Sinciput
  • Mentum—chin

Breech: (Buttocks, sacrum)

  • Frank breech–LSA, LST, LSP,
    RSP, RST
  • Single footling breech
  • Double footling breech
  • Complete breech


  • Shoulder
  • Transverse lie
  • Funis
  • Compound (i.e., vertex with hand)
D. Final route and method of delivery

Vaginal/ spontaneous
Delivery of the entire fetus through the vagina by the natural force of labor with or without manual assistance from the delivery attendant.

Vaginal/ forceps
Delivery of the fetal head through the vagina by the application of obstetrical forceps to the fetal head.

Vaginal/ vacuum
Delivery of the fetal head through the vagina by the application of a vacuum cup or ventouse to the fetal head.

Extraction of the fetus, placenta, and membranes through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterine walls.


Check one of the boxes.


1st  Delivery record under – Method of delivery

2nd  Newborn admission H&P

3rd  Recovery room record under – Maternal data – Delivered

Keywords and Abbreviations Vaginal/spontaneous:
  • VAG Del – Vaginal delivery
  • SVD – Spontaneous vaginal delivery


  • LFD – Low forceps delivery


  • Vac Ext
  • vacuum


  • C/S – Cesarean section
  • LSTCS – Low segment transverse
  • Look for:
    • TOL – Trial of labor
If cesarean, was a trial of labor attempted?
Definitions Labor was allowed, augmented, or induced with plans for a vaginal delivery.

Check “yes” or “no.”

Keywords and Abbreviations TOL – Trial of labor

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The infant’s date of birth.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The infant’s time of birth.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The individual who certified the birth occurred.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The date that the birth was certified.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The primary source of payment for the delivery at the time of delivery (e.g., private insurance, medicaid, self-pay, other).

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The medical record number assigned to the newborn.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

Transfers include hospital to hospital, birth facility to hospital, etc. Does not include home to hospital.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The name, title, and National Provider Identifier (NPI) number of the person responsible for delivering the child.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

The mother’s weight at the time of delivery.

Categories: Labor and Delivery

Information about the course of labor and delivery (e.g., induction of labor, augmentation of labor, steroids, antibiotics received by the mother during delivery, clinical chorioamnionitis diagnosed during labor or maternal temperature greater than or equal to  38°C, epidural or spinal anesthesia during labor).

Categories: Labor and Delivery