National Survey of Family Growth

2022-2023 NSFG: Public-Use Data Files, Codebooks, and Documentation

2022-2023 NSFG: Public-Use Data Files, Codebooks, and Documentation

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Survey Implementation Materials

  • Questionnaires
    The NSFG questionnaires are specified for computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), whether administered face-to-face (FTF) by interviewers or completed on the web by respondents on their own.  These questionnaires are provided in two levels of detail. The CAPI Reference Questionnaires (CRQs) show full specifications for question wording, routing, and consistency checks. The CAPI-lite format is an abridged version of the CRQ showing basic wording and routing. See the User’s Guide for further detail on these two formats.
  • Survey Brochures

Design and Data Collections Methods

The documents below will provide further detailed information on the 2022-2023 NSFG design, survey operations and analysis of nonresponse bias, beyond the summary included in the User’s Guide. The Nonresponse Bias Analysis Report is expected to be available early in 2025 and the rest in Summer 2025.

  • Nonresponse Bias Analysis Report
  • Summary of Design and Data Collection Methods
  • Sample Design Documentation
  • Sample Error Estimation Design
  • Weighting Design Documentation

For additional information or questions about materials on this page, please contact the NSFG staff at