National Survey of Family Growth

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – T Listing

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – T Listing



Percentage of never-married teenagers 15-19 years of age who have ever had intercourse, by age and sex:
United States, 2002, 2006-2010 and 2011-2015

Female 20021 2006-20101 2011-20152
15-19 years of age 45.5% 42.6% 42.4% (1.86)
15-17 years of age 30.3% 27.0% 28.1% (2.01)
18-19 years of age 68.8% 62.7% 62.9% (2.69)
Male 20021 2006-20101 2011-20152
15-17 years of age 45.7% 41.8% 44.2% (1.46)
15-17 years of age 31.3% 28.0% 31.5% (1.58)
18-19 years of age 64.3% 63.9% 64.3% (2.54)

1Series 23, No. 31, Table 1 [PDF – 723 MB]
2NHSR No. 104, Table 1 [PDF – 422 KB]


Percentage of females 15-19 years of age by type of relationship with partner at first intercourse, 2011-2015  

Had just met 2.1% (0.5)
Just friends 13.0% (1.8)

1NHSR No. 104, Table 3 [PDF – 422 KB]


Teen Pregnancy

Percent distribution of men 15-44 years of age by current marital or cohabiting status:

19901 19951 20001 20021 20081 20092 2010
All pregnancies 116.8 101.1 85.8 76.3 69.8 65.3 58.93
Live births 59.9 56.0 47.7 42.6 40.2 37.9 34.24
Induced abortions 40.3 29.4 24.0 21.1 17.8 16.3 N/A
Fetal losses 16.6 15.7 14.1 12.6 11.8 11.1 N/A

*Rates are number of events per 1,000 females 15-19 years of age.

NOTE: The teen pregnancy rate dropped 50% from 1990 to 2010. Reaching a historic low, the teenage pregnancy rate in 2010 was the lowest reported since 1976


1Ventura SJ, Curtin SC, Abma JC, Henshaw SK. Estimated Pregnancy Rates and Rates of Pregnancy Outcomes for the United States, 1990-2008[PDF – 462 KB]. (Table 2) National vital statistics report, Vol 60 No 7. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2012.

2Curtin SC, Abma JC, Ventura SV. Pregnancy Rates for U.S. Women Continue to Drop [PDF – 436 KB]. NCHS Data Brief, No. 136. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2013.

3Curtin SC and Abma JC, Henshaw SK. 2010 Pregnancy Rates among U.S Women. NCHS Health E-Stats. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2015.

4Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Ventura SJ, et al. Births: Final data for 2010[PDF -1.66 MB].  National vital statistics reports; vol 61 no 1. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.